TBD on Ning

Some are asking who was the person yelling "You Lie" out to the President as he explained that illegal aliens would not receive health care

According to the Huffington Post, That person's Republican Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina. I personally thought his outburst, which caused Democrats on the other side of the congressional aisle to boo, was very disrespectful and marks a period of less than classy discourse and behavior.

The bottom line is that it's not part of the heath care reform proposal.

On CNN's Larry King, Senator John McCain said Wilson's outburst was totally disrespectful and that Rep. Wilson should apologize immediately.

Here's some videos:

Tags: Joe Wilson

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Yeah, he's even embarrassing fellow Republicans. He's extreme.
I hope you are right that he is embarrassing fellow Republicans. Yes, McCain was embarrassed but wouldn't hold my breath to hear many more speak up. Hopefully they will take a stand against this craziness. If not, where will it end?
Does this idiot have any evidence that illegals would receive health care under this proposal? Because if he does, it would be news to the other 534 members of Congress, and most of the US (at least those of us who know the truth). I doubt he does, which relegates him to the dumpster with all the others who scream and protest yet have absolutely nothing of any value whatsoever to bring to the table.
"Does this idiot have any evidence that illegals would receive health care"

Apparently there doesnt have to be any evidence to start a "fear" campaign. I get FEAR and HATE emails forwarded on the internet every day. They are sent as "We have to stop this", "Sign this petition and forward if you are a true American" etc. I get a lot of these from my republican friends and relatives. Sometimes I will forward them the snopes page that refutes it. But, they just send more and continue to buy into this NEOCON tactic. It works for those who are too lazy to research or just "want to believe". It's a shame that a publicly elected official would do this. But, you have to look at his constituents.
None of them did until Obama mentioned malpractice reform - though he did get a big chit eating grin out of McCain on mentioning his name.

I thought that clown boerhner was gonna shit his pants.
Yep, that whole bunch looked like their shoes were too tight.
He is classless Hooligan, and he forgot he is in the capitol. He thinks he is in Fox tabloid show or one of those hate radio shows where shoutings and out-shouting are norms and reasoning and arguing issues in their merits are outlandish.
Obviously the Congressman should have actually read the bill. It clearly states that it won't pay for illegal aliens, but at the same time it won't deny them the abililty to buy medical coverage. That being said:
This is the most glaring example of "us" versus "them" I've ever seen. I know that this is a hot button issue for a lot of folks. But, this bill is no where close to being voted on, and rather than work together, a very vocal minority is continuing to cloud the issue with mispresentations.
I saw Joe Wilson this morning publicly apologizing for his outburst but he couldn't leave it at that. He went on to say that the bill would cover illegals. Fact check says he is wrong, there isn't even a bill and Obama says he will not accept one with that in it. I think he is known for his extreme views and rhetoric. He is not even liked by the Republicans. His democratic opponent for 2010 has raised huge amounts of money since last night.
And Obama was very gracious about it saying that the apology was quick.
These types do not need facts any more than Palin needed facts concerning "death panels". They just want to spread fear of whatever works. Reminds me so much of the "Mushroom Cloud" that was used to scare us into Iraq! That is their way. They cannot win the argument on the facts.
I was just stunned. I half expected a demonstration to break out. I don't know what to expect any more when simple civil courtesy to the office of your president, if nothing else, can be breeched so nastily and so publicly.
Wilson's opponent in the 2010 election run is racking in the bucks, so he may now regret engaging his mouth while his brain was on idle.




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