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Breaking News!!!!! Boner Blames Obama For Debt Talk Collapse!

What a surprise!!! Who'd a Thought??

Tags: End, World, of, screwed

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So called Trickle Down Economics or Supply Side Economics or VooDoo Economics as George H. W. Bush called it has been tried on a regular bases since Reagan was elected in 1980. It was also tried back in the 1890's. Everytime it has lead to record dificits and widened the gap between the super rich and the working or middle class. Jobs are created only when there is a demand for goods or services. Not becasue some CEO has a few hundred thousand more dollars in his pocket. When are people going to see that it does not work and is ruining the country?
Lane County is in Oregon and that article is dated September 27, 2007...

Yes and Lane County is still in trouble.

I think the government should run the same add. It would supply jobs for three people.

The Dems have controlled the spending for the last seven years. Bush had no power.

So don't blame Bush.


Seems to me that there has also been an unprecented amount of weather related disasters in this year alone. I'm not sure exactly what the price tag is for all of that but I know that it's complicated the recovery. I read an NYTimes article monthes ago that predicted a world wide shortage of food coming soon. Since I read the article there's been even more disasters.

If anyone has any good links right at thier fingertips about this, I'd be interested in reading more on it.

The Democrats took control of the House in the 2006 election. They took office in January 2007. I am good enough at math to figure that from 2007 to 2011 is 4 years not 7. By that time the Republicans had made such a mess that nobody could clean it up for years to come.

Republicans are the party of slogans. They can not govern and everytime they get power they prove it.

Darroll, what the hell are you talking about? Bush had no power? How did we end up in Iraq? How did we squander the surplus ? Can you provide details? I've read your posts for a couple years. mostly I ignore them because they make no sense. but now there seems to be enough uninformed voters who believe that crap to destroy the America that i spent 22 years defending.
I'm starting to get really pissed.
Robbie, you can only do what you can do and make up your mind to survive whatever happens. Me, I'm going to grow more food, insulate my home and hang onto my Green Beret housemate!
Darrol, I'm not pissed, but I really don't believe in your point of view. Bush put us in 2 wars that have cost billions, if not trillions. CNN today had a story about millions of unaccounted $ that has probably  been diverted to the extremists that we are trying to defeat. To say that Bush had no influence in the sad situation we are in is just a "bury your head in the sand" knee jerk response. I think it is this kind of thinking that has polarized our country to the point of... what is the word I'm looking for? F##ked, come to mind.

(Tee, check out ebay to price the book you were wondering about.)


I never thought that we could afford either war and not take a beating financialy. Now ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,don't get me started. There's better ways to spend time than dickering over the democratic process at work.

People are getting pissed so I will shut up.
I'm not allowed to say Congress gave Bush permission to go to war.
I'm not allowed to say Bush warned us about the coming crash in the housing sector. Congress laughed when he tried to avert the cluster F***. The dems were selling homes to people that had no way of paying the loan back. This pulled banks down all over the world and sense we had a US government AAA rating we had to buy back the paper and fix foreign banks.
Yes Bush had no power, he couldn’t even get a supreme court justice appointed.
Just blame Bush and everything will be hunky dory.
You are allowed to answer this post without me getting pissed.

Darroll, I'm not pissed and you are allowed to voice your opinion...but, I disagree with some of your statements...


When did he warn us about the housing market?

He appointed two Supreme Court Justices...Alito and Roberts. If you're talking about Miers, she was withdrawn when it became obvious to everyone--Republicans and Democrats-- that she had absolutely no qualifcations to serve on the Supreme Court.


O, and Congress did not give permission for Bush to declare war. Apparently God did and that was enough for him. I believe there was talk of impeachment over his actions regarding Iraq...




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