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Larry kremis's Comments

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At 5:27am on December 24, 2009, belle054 said…
Merry Christmas Larry! xo

At 2:49am on December 24, 2009, realteal said…
Gee, what do you get for the man who would be Santa? I hear you got out of jail, so bail's out. What about a Snuggie(you know, those highly attractive fleece blankets with sleeves that now come in leopard print!) and a cool one after the round-the-world trip tonight?
Have a nice Christmas with your family, Lanta!
At 4:27am on December 23, 2009, Quinn said…

At 6:41pm on December 22, 2009, belle054 said…
Thanks Larry! I'm lovin Q & A!
At 5:43pm on December 20, 2009, caseyjo said…
Hey Larry..I got some Skechers black suede Hiking Tennies..They have laces. Laces are so much cuter.....Thanks for the info. Hope you are enjoying the beauty of the season. winter solstice tree Pictures, Images and Photos...Hugs...K
At 12:20pm on December 20, 2009, Ivy Doolittle said…
At 1:18am on December 14, 2009, TeeBubbaDee said…
"I'm off to see the Colon
The wonderful Colon of OZ
I'm off to see the Colon
Because because because becaaaaauuuusssseee
Because of the crappy things it does"
At 8:21pm on December 10, 2009, Ubu said…
My football condolences.
At 7:43pm on December 8, 2009, Ubu said…
I like the new look, Larry. You won't tell Quinn though, will ya? :-)

Getting any snow up there?
At 7:04am on December 6, 2009, TeeBubbaDee said…
Morning Larry, I just wanted to say THANK YOUfor making yesterday possible. I had a blast!!!!
At 6:35am on December 4, 2009, Quinn said…
Enjoy your weekend Larry!
At 8:32am on November 28, 2009, realteal said…
Yea. Pretty gross.
Oh, have a great Saturday!
At 11:09pm on November 27, 2009, realteal said…
So, what are you saying, Larry? That all the overweight Peruvians are dead?!
At 4:57am on November 25, 2009, Quinn said…

At 3:21am on November 25, 2009, TeeBubbaDee said…
Myspace Comments
At 9:29pm on November 24, 2009, Ruby Red Crystal said…
Happy Thanksgiving
Have a wonderful day.
At 8:01am on November 24, 2009, TeeBubbaDee said…

At 5:28am on November 22, 2009, Quinn said…
Morning Buddy ;-)
At 5:43pm on November 21, 2009, Ubu said…
Whadda ya mean "banned from the rant thread?" We need back up. Quinn could go off at any moment.
At 10:07pm on November 18, 2009, caseyjo said…
Thanks Larry.....Sketchers are comfortable..I have 2 pairs of their sandals already.....but these will be my first tennies that will actually have a health benefit...Shall be fun trying them on tomorrow if I make it to Sports Authority...Thanks for the advice...They have laces though.....Good thing I can still bend over...*L*



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