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Maricel Evasco's Comments

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At 7:23am on April 18, 2011, ozzieowl said…

I have remembered one now Maricel, that just may hold some interest for you,

it is a global site, it is free to join, and it is a very active site, 

I have been a Member for a couple of years and have enjoyed

joining a few groups and getting out to meet them in the flesh

and do things - Bushwalking was a good one for me, but I have

since moved and must do something about finding one closer.

Sometimes within a group depending on what is involved,

there may be a small fee for the person organising things

but there are a lot where you meet up and no money

is involved;


At 6:05am on April 18, 2011, ozzieowl said…

Would be an idea for me to leave you the link hey...



At 6:04am on April 18, 2011, ozzieowl said…

Thanks Maricel, I myself have always ended up with a dead-end

when exploring that `Jen's Social'  - but here is something that I

have just found although I am yet to go have a peek at them,

These are supposed to be very similar to the Ning set up

except that these remain free to join and free to Create

your own if you wish.  -  Hugzzz!

At 1:31am on April 18, 2011, ozzieowl said…
Sorry for the abrupt ending - I went over my word allowance, lol, lol, lol!
At 1:30am on April 18, 2011, ozzieowl said…

Lol,  well Maricel, your instincts have served you well,

and no doubt you have heard by now about the demise

and sinking of MA that is slowly sinking to the bottom

of the ocean to join it's predecessors - very sadly I feel.

And just before it was announced, here was me attempting

to lift things a little by posting a Discussion about

`Packing MA Bags and Going"  - truly, I had no idea

what was to happen the very next day, shame too,

because quite a few people were excited about it,

well, who wouldn't be if a person was going to board

the `Oasis Of The Seas' for a holiday of a lifetime!

(Someone called `Neal' a little puppy, wanted me to know

that he bet that it would sink faster than the Titanic,

maybe his dear little nose had caught a sniff of sumthin, lol).

What can you do - nuthin.  Just pick yaself up and start 

all over again - somewhere else.

Also, to answer your inquiry re other interesting sites,

well we know that they are out there, we just have to

find them, other sites that I enjoy are mostly Ning sites

once again and Ning have a List of sites that you can Google

because only you know what would strike a chord and tempt

you to join any particular one, one of the features I like about

Ning is that - if you do find another site that you would like

to explore and you join, then automatically, all of your `friends'

will be sitting there waiting to welcome you, you will see them

over on the left-hand side.

At 4:30am on April 14, 2011, Quinn said…

Good morning :-)

At 5:32pm on April 13, 2011, Maricel Evasco said…
At 9:03pm on April 11, 2011, ozzieowl said…

Hiya Maricel,  yes, MA is very, very quiet now, 

so just proves that all the `noizzzy' folk left.....just jokin' hee-hee -

you have contributed much to both TBD (where I first met you),

and then MA, which I ALWAYS enjoyed very much,

and I find myself wondering where all this stuff goes

when these things happen, and also when we die,

what happens to all this input that has been our energy

that we have given over, will anyone else ever get to see it

popping up somewhere, sometime?

I think I understand you Maricel, you are extremely creative

with the written word and I have always appreciated it,

and I feel that it is MA's loss and that you need to be where

there is a lot of intellectual challenge and debate which has

sadly drizzled away over time on some sites, but, the good thing

is that there a zillions more out there to get involved with,

sometimes I wonder if that is part of the problem really,

as I know from my own experience that I am on too many

sites and I don't have enough time to give the right amount

of attention to, so I need to cull the number of sites I have

in order to offer good quality responses and input perhaps.

But overall, we get to meet some fantastic people,

just yesterday this came through from a cyber friend

and it made my day, I hope it does for you as well;



I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking there is

something `fishy' about this one, lol!

At 5:06am on April 7, 2011, ozzieowl said…

Hiya Maricel,  just wanting to call by for a second and say hello,

I am not much of a friend when it comes to being in constant touch

all the time,  however I can tell that I am returning to my old self

again after losing my little ol' buddy a few months ago,

so I must start having a look see to find out what you have

been getting up to here, lol!  -  Hugzzz!

At 3:12pm on April 4, 2011, Maricel Evasco said…

“If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.”  ~John Heywood


At 7:23pm on March 31, 2011, Aggie said…

Pru the cow and Pru Jr at two weeks old.
At 10:04am on March 30, 2011, caseyjo said…
Hi Maricel..Thinking of you & noticed I missed your B-day.....Hope you had funBelated Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
At 8:34pm on March 29, 2011, Aggie said…
Aggie hug!
At 7:16pm on March 16, 2011, d's girl said…

Happy Birthday, Maricel!!

At 7:15pm on March 16, 2011, Goldilocks46 said…

Happy Birthday, Maricel!


i hope all your wishes come true on your special day happy birthday
At 8:24am on March 16, 2011, Quinn said…
At 5:14am on March 16, 2011, D. D. Olson said…
Happy Birthday!
At 4:48pm on February 18, 2011, caseyjo said…
Hi Maricel...Love the dancing girl...Makes me wanna hula....
At 5:56pm on February 14, 2011, Aggie said…
Copy code then Paste to Site
At 12:30pm on February 14, 2011, caseyjo said…
Happy Valentines Day Maricel.......HEART BUBBLES Pictures, Images and Photos



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