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What goes on in the corridors of power,leaving aside rhetoric of patriotism?

M Saleem Chaudhry

What goes on in the corridors of power,leaving aside rhetoric of patriotism?
Saturday, August 22, 2009, 02:52 AM GMT [Current Affairs]

I picked a copy of ,"The Commission:The uncensored history of The 9/11 Investigation" by Philip Shenon from M.L.K Library,San Jose,and went through nerve shattering account of what actually goes in the corridors of power,leaving aside rhetoric of patriotism and pep talk of war against terrorism. How bold, clear-headed , candid,truly concerned and committed members of commission,like Demcrat Cleland are pulled out and investigation staff's stars like Dana Lesmann, is ousted in a jiffy, by executive director,Philip Zelikow, a stooge of Rice and Rove, retained to cover his masters and grandmasters Cheney & Bush?.

How members of bereaved families are trated by the stooges?

How FAA and NORAD, dilly dally to pass on their records of 9/11 to investigators?

How Gonzales, the most loyal stooge of Bush deals with Kean and Hamilton,Chairman and vice Chairman of the commission?

How Ashcroft deals with threats of terrorism, passed on by acting Director of FBI,Pickard?


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By "The uncensored history" of the 9/11 commission, you mean totally biased,and full of conjecture, don't you?

tommy gunn
August 22, 2009
07:24 AM GMT

And the conclusion was?

August 22, 2009
08:02 AM GMT

Bravo, I conclude from the above that power invariably corrupts.

August 22, 2009
10:17 AM GMT

tommy gunn, you read and then decide,based on your actual evaluation

M Saleem Chaudhry
August 22, 2009
06:07 PM GMT

Bravo22c,The conclusion will correspond to actual process and the role of key actors

M Saleem Chaudhry
August 22, 2009
06:10 PM GMT

Shermeen,you're so much right,with only addition that absolute power corrupts absolutely

M Saleem Chaudhry
August 22, 2009
06:12 PM GMT

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Comment by Mohammad Saleem Chaudhry on August 26, 2009 at 5:50pm
I tend to agree with you broadly,secrecy is the major tool ,used by those in power.If you could spare time to read the book referef by me,"The Comission"the Uncensorred history of 9/11 investigation, you'll get to know to the limit Bush and his stooges,Gonzales,Rove,Rice and Dick Cheney went to hide the facts related to the cause of unprecedented national tragedy.Exposing the Machiavellian characters,manipulators and hypocrates is the bigg challenge
Comment by Alendar on August 26, 2009 at 11:28am
What makes a corridor powerful? I submit that one element must be its secrecy. Power is rarely naked, when it is, it is never as powerful as the behind-closed-doors variety. So, if we knew what was going on in the corridors of power, they would simply move their discussions to new corridors.



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