TBD on Ning

A note of thanks. I don't think of you often enough. I get caught up in the crazies and malcontents. Its more natural for me to see the world in the light of mad firelight, as I think the primitive world must have been. The stories in Caesar's Gallic Wars of the barbarous Gauls and the rituals of African civilizations have always delighted my eager need to see the paucity of Man. Perhaps the world seems safer if its careening off the table.

But for a moment from the ravages of S.A.D., I would say, thank you to the interesting people along the way, the quiet weavers of yarn, to my lovely wife, who intrigues and entrances me constantly with her delight in family and ability to navigate the world as if it were a sea of goodness instead of a mare of complaint. To the crafters of snicker-doodles, the tanglers of words and rhyme, I salute you; I am no match and must eventually give up my vain attempts at competition. The people who reflect purely the memories of their childhood, or contemplate the vagaries of Shakespeare to infinitesimal degrees, these are the fruit on the vine that is often missed or forgotten by me. And not to forget those who treated my poor wit with graceful replies, which often baffled me in their wittiness. To the man who offered that bit of wisdom, to treat love each day as a pearl we might lose, a great thank you. To anyone who spills a piece of their heart and mind on to a page and throws it out there, I thank you, even though I may often have skipped over. I promise to return from now on, I appreciate anything that is from the author, and not pasted from someone else's work.

I would love to say there were many more that I can't remember, but I don't think there were. There are some lovely people who are quick with a lighthearted word, but in the end what is the world if all was light platitudes? I know these people have lives filled with love and friends and an earth beauty that cannot come across the social net. It is a simple fact that there are those who live, and those who write, and it is the rare bird that nests in two forests. But that is the rare bird I wish to thank and the ones that don't have those warm and ruddy cheeks of kith and kin, who live on the net and poor a little bit out on a textbox and press submit, then return to quiet lives of desperation. Those whose flame flickers brightest here in e-space, I thank you for your time.

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Comment by Alendar on October 19, 2009 at 8:29am
Thank you, guys. Now you've made me all teary and nothing's worse than a wet, electrified cat.
Comment by Chez moi on October 19, 2009 at 2:40am
Alendar. This is a flash of blue flame from the spark that first attracted me to your mind.
Comment by caseyjo on October 18, 2009 at 10:07pm
This is a very nice, thoughtful post Alendar.

I am one guilty of not throwing out enough love around here. I am dealing with a lot of anger and fear in my life these days. I expect the world should move forward and I can't even make a move to better my own life. I'm basically alone and about to take a nosedive if I don't make a life change here pretty quickly. Fear & anger are ruling me and I know it comes out in most of my posts.

To all the creative people...I read and appreciate you as well and should also make it a point to spend a little more time within the beauty you all bring to Ning TBD.....You guys & girls rule....Thanks so much...Thanks again Alendar for the reminder.....I needed it.



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