In her diary entry for February 3, 1879, Cosima Wagner, wife of the German opera composer Richard Wagner, wrote: "We then go on to a Brahms symphony [the Brahms second], which Richard plays as a piano duet with Herr Rubinstein and which again downright disgusts us."
I have a remote association. I am reminded of TBD members who complain about blog posts that a member posts, but continue to read the blogger's posts. If you don't like a particular blogger, don't read his posts.
Speaking metaphorically, if you don't like Brahms, don't keep the score of his second symphony on your piano and repeatedly play the piece as a piano duet -- only to experience the same disgust again and again.
(The Wagners also found Jews, in the abstract, to be disgusting people. That didn't prevent them from having the Russian-Jewish pianist, Josef Rubinstein, as a live-in houseguest: a kind of court pianist. To use a German word: "seltsam!")
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