Nothing earth-shattering to say, but I suppose I could ramble. It's been a trying week. Finding out that my second rental townhouse was in foreclosure on the 3rd anniversary of my Second Late husband's death (May 6) was very shocking. The landlord was over 6 months behind. The sheriff's sale was June 24. That means out by Dec 24. Got an email today that I owe a $387 waterbill. WHAT??? water/sewer/garbage are supposed to be included in the rent. talked to the City Hall, the bill is in HIS name. I told them I would be out by NOV 1st. They said they wouldn't turn off the water until after then and they will attach the bill to his taxes. Gotta love Small-town living!
Pissed about the foreclosure because they ASSURED me that it wouldn't happen when it was already in progress. So far haven't paid rent for August, NOT paying Sept at all, Moving Oct 1st. My good friend just bought a house so I am going to take over the rental house she has been in. Only 2.5 bedrooms (dining room can be used as bedroom) but $625 less since utilities are included. going down from 4 bedroom 1800 sq foot townhouse that I planned to stay in until Number One Son moves out next summer.
speaking of.....I just found out that his Social Security goes into his name in November since he turns 18 in October and is a Senior in High school. This boy has no driver's license (coming in April to a road near you) , no checking account and has never worked for anyone but me or his stepdad (not a whole lot of jobs in ML for someone his age) ! and they are going to hand him over a grand per month. He doesn't know yet. I already give him $400/month and he blows it all. Going to have to figure out how to phrase it right so he understands that he needs to pay room and board with that for his senior year. I figure I will give him half outright and keep the rest for food, sports fees, sports equipment and save for him for a car. SO the downsizing of home and rent is a good thing, just the way it came about is sucky sucky.\
vented out enough for tonight. sleep tomorrow, then go to my mom's to float on the lake, then dinner/drinks with my volleyball team. then we play at 930pm. going to take my motorcycle since we have great riding weather right now!
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