TBD on Ning

Sorry friends, I was going to wait a little while before I told. I've reached the end of a huge era in my life and am beginning another. On Thur. Sep. 3rd I had a disagreement with my employer (to put it mildly) and I no longer have a job. My driver buddies and I have been distraught about certain policy changes all year. It's a very long story. I decided to put my foot down. The timing was right since Kittycat and I are both receiving our pensions. My problem is: I wasn't ready to give up driving, I've spoiled myself over the years and this isn't what I wanted. God forbid, I shouldn't get what I want. Things were going great just working part time. Nobody needs to worry about us financially, we have zero debt, everything's paid for, and our combined retirement income is above the national average (which is nothing to really brag about). We have our savings but it was my intentions to add to that over the next 2 to 3 years.

I won't be sitting around on my ass, I can assure you. I told TeeBubbaDee and his wife Dee when we met them on Labor Day. Thanks Bubba for keeping my little secret. Dee is an RN and I told her how I would like to volunteer at a hospital nursery holding and feeding sick babies. She said, with all the laws and regulations these days, I might have a tough time finding a local hospital that would allow this, plus, I'm sure they wouldn't let me smoke and drink beer while I'm holding a baby.

I'm slowly getting through this friends, I just need a little more time, I'll try not to put the rest of you through any misery. lol

I'm sure glad I have you guys. Thanks, love ya

Views: 28

Tags: ends, era


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Comment by thallygal on September 27, 2009 at 8:23am
And another platitude.....can ya stand it...when one door closes, two or three or four open...:-)
Comment by caseyjo on September 14, 2009 at 7:44pm
Hi Larry....Seems you have a lot of friends here...You must be a nice guy. I know you will find something to do once the shock wears off. There are lots of places a person can volunteer. Put it out there and see what you come up with. They will be fighting over you.....Good Luck.
Comment by caseyjo on September 14, 2009 at 7:44pm
Hi Larry....Seems you have a lot of friends here...You must be a nice guy. I know you will find something to do once the shock wears off. There are lots of places a person can volunteer. Put it out there and see what you come up with. They will be fighting over you.....Good Luck.
Comment by larry kremis on September 12, 2009 at 8:38pm
If I may brag here a little. I have the very best friends! I was pretty down all week, getting this off my chest really did wonders. A lot of good advice from all of you, my dear friends, it was well received, believe me. I'll take it slow, but I am definately going to keep busy. There are no words to thank all of you enough. Thanks a million times.
Comment by Ruby Red Crystal on September 12, 2009 at 8:09pm
Hey Larry, isn't this what TBD is about, sharing and leaning on each other. Things will be better soon there are always new opportunities out there. There was an older woman who volunteered with me at our Thrift store who used to always say when things were rough......"this to shall pass".
Comment by D. D. Olson on September 12, 2009 at 7:47pm
It sounds like you'll be starting a new adventure. It just arrived unexpectedly. I'm wishing you all the best as you begin what I hope is a great time with whatever comes next. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Comment by Snagg on September 12, 2009 at 7:35pm
Hell, Larr - At first I thought you meant that you'd lost your funk.

I was going to recommend a steady musical diet of James Brown, the Family Stone and Parliament / Funkadelic., but then I read your entire post.

This just a bump in the road, Larry. It'll pass.
Comment by Baia on September 12, 2009 at 4:31pm
Dear Larry,
Congratulations on being given the opportunity to find a place to work where you are appreciated. There is always work to do for people who want to do it. Luckily for you, it's not a money thing for you and Kittycat, so take a look around for what we call a "win-win" situation. It is important to have work to do, no matter your age or your financial situation and it is important to feel valued even if the compensation isn't with money. Thanks for giving us the chance to think about it.
Comment by blondie 11 on September 12, 2009 at 2:33pm

I look at things in a different light. I had the last 3 days off because some of the girls that are hourly workers had to pay me back for working for them in order to get paid. I was so ready to come back to work today. I do not have to work another minute for $$$$ reasons. My mother took care of me when she died last year for the rest of my life, and a few others too. I will sum this up quickly, Larry, get a job. They are out there and you will feel better about yourself. I "retired" for 6 weeks and nearly lost it. Just my thoughts. You know I love you man.
Comment by Westerly_2 on September 12, 2009 at 2:20pm
Good luck. The time comes sometime or other when you really have to put your foot down. It lloks like you're in a position to do so, and think of the self-respect it gives you!



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