TBD on Ning

Republicans failed to ratify the United Nations treaty to protect the disabled around the world. A majority of Republican senators voted against Americans and others with disabilities, including US veterans by failing to ratify the measure which was based on US law. Bob Dole, who came to the senate floor after a recent hospital stay, was present in the chamber to watch the majority of his own party fail to ratify a treaty which would support Senator Dole's dignity and that of others with disabilities when they travel abroad.

This is who these people are. They will trash the full faith and credit of the nation in order to make an ideological point, never mind the damage done to businesses and the government. 155 nations had already signed, and 126 had ratified the treaty which was actually negotiated by President George W. Bush.

Poor Bob Dole needed five more Republican votes. His colleagues, including Oren Hatch and Chuck Grassley, shook his hand and then voted against him. It was a shameful display, and ample evidence of why the people of this great country rejected the Republicans so throughly in the 2012 election. Clearly, they made the correct choice.

Views: 39


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Comment by Vernon Windsor on December 6, 2012 at 1:54pm

EddieDingo, they cite home schooling as one reason, even though the treaty was fashioned from US law and has no effect on this country at all. They also hate the UN. Too much diversity, I guess. You know how those non-white folks are. ;-)

Comment by darroll on December 6, 2012 at 11:06am

We need out of the UN now.

I thought your people hated Bob Dole.

Comment by EddieDingo on December 6, 2012 at 10:23am

What was their justification for this Vernon?  Do you know?



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