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Marcilyn S Raines's Blog (2)

Appalacian Round

Try as I might as a musician I cannot find a good source for music. I can find lyrics up the proverbial wazoo but nothing with lyrics and notation. I can understand something that is under copyright but why with-hold open domain folk songs or hymns.

I am trying to find sheet music for piano for an Appalacian Round; "Take Me Back Oh Hills I Love." Alas to no avail can I find a score. Has anyone else had the same difficulties. Why must everything come with a price?!

Added by Marcilyn S Raines on August 26, 2009 at 5:54pm — No Comments

The shrinking kilogram or a proof for quantum physics.

As I understand it quantum physics is the theory that our world is always in flux. After hearing the NPR Morning Edition of August 20 th. I began to wonder if this theory isn't so outlandish after all. I know it is hard to imagine that a solid substance such as granite or steel is in a constant state of molecular motion but the original model for the kilogram seems to be constantly changing.

According to the report this silver cylinder is rarely removed from its carefully guarded… Continue

Added by Marcilyn S Raines on August 25, 2009 at 11:28am — 1 Comment



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