I am a trained Certified Protection Specialist. I provide close personal protection for CEO’s of major Fortune 500 Companies, various visiting dignitaries and Royal family members as well as work with the State Department and Department of Defense to provide protection for clients in hostile ares of the world such as the Middle East as well as Mexico and South America. In my line of work I have to be serious and on my “A” game all the time, so during my time off I like to meet and hang out with responsible, trustworthy, energetic people that have a positive mental attitude, enjoy life and love to have fun. I do this because recently I have had family members very close to me that have been diagnosed with life threatening illnesses and due to great medical care, the love of family and friends, the power of prayer and a lot of hard work, survived. However I have in my line of work unfortunately been in situations where people that I have worked side by side with in hostile countries have been killed and yet I survived. So, as a tribute, I do what my fallen friends cannot and live everyday as if it were my last because to not do so is an affront to all that they stood for and dishonors their memories. Live life, love life and enjoy every day as if it were truly your last because you never know when it will be.
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Thanks for accepting friendship. oxox[IMG]http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a94/thepsilos/aIMG_6469.jpg[/IMG]
have a good night