The Welcome Lounge

A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the world and walks of life. Do come on in and make yourself at home!
  • Introductions please!

    Please take a moment to introduce yourself!  Perhaps you can tell us how you came to find TBD ~ and please feel free to ask any questions here too. We will do our very best to help you settle in and be comfortable. If you are a former member just returning ~ please let us all know!

    By Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

  • TeeBeeDee History collection.

    Place for pieces of TDB history.

    By Aggie

  • hello everybody

    i am new here to TBD of i was in search of a great site free of drama and NOT HARDLY GO DOWN FOR everything to be working correctly and most importantly some where that is peaceful and quite looking for buddies please feel free to add me on all other information there…

    By Mandy


    Hello Folks, Welcome to our little coffee shop, where we just gather when we want totake a little break, chat with whomever might be here at the moment andget to know each other. It's a friendly little place and everyone iswelcome. Just say hello and folks here should respond. If no onehappens to…

    By CuppaJoe

  • If you want to keep TBD Ning going...

    I am trying to put the word out that the funding to keep TBD Ning going is only through June.  I have no intention of putting more money in -- despite snide comments here, I did not give up on TBD easily, I did so after losing my own money, my friend's money, and years of unpaid work.  So if anyone…

    By Robin Wolaner

  • Hello and Welcome

    This is TBD.  This site has a long and complicated has weathered a tough storm and while it emerged heavily wounded, it now rests in calm waters where the activity is slow and gentle.  It is moored in a quiet spot where it is held together by the bonds of true friendship.  It is a…

    By EddieDingo

  • newbie

    hi i'm a newbie here. my name is john blaze, i am 46 years old.

    By Riandur Tyden


    Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows…

    By Ladyg

  • Ladyg's Rockin New Year's Eve Party

    Well my friends this  is almost over. So we will be closing this year out with a bang with a New Year's Eve Party. The champagne will be flowing, music to jam by, delicious food to eat, party flavors and old and new friends to party with. Those of you who are not going out with friends on that…

    By Ladyg

  • Ladyg's Gathering Place - December 2012

    Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows…

    By Ladyg
