The Welcome Lounge

A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the world and walks of life. Do come on in and make yourself at home!


Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS.

Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.

Ladyg - Owner
Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender


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    thank you for breakfast, Ladyg!

    and ladysilverbird, wishing you safe travels!

    i'm mostly packed and ready to go -- i find that if i pack a day or two early, i end up remembering critical items that i forgot to pack.  otherwise, i leave home without them and have to find a store along the way, it never fails!

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    I would like to thank all of those who came by to enjoy with us at the Gathering Place. I am closing the group down for good in the Welcome Lounge. I will reopen the Gathering Place at a later date. Thank you all for your support.

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      Morning everyone-Well I got home last nite from my trip and had a really good time with my friends. Now I have to catch-up on my mail and email. Hope you have all been well