The Welcome Lounge

A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the world and walks of life. Do come on in and make yourself at home!

If you want to keep TBD Ning going...

I am trying to put the word out that the funding to keep TBD Ning going is only through June.  I have no intention of putting more money in -- despite snide comments here, I did not give up on TBD easily, I did so after losing my own money, my friend's money, and years of unpaid work.  So if anyone wants to take over administrative duties (which means linking the account to a payment method), let me know.  

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    Grammie Sue

    Okay is this something that comes up each June?  Will there be a need to have financial input this June, 2014?  Just wondering or has the problem been solved?  

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      Ramon Parrish

      Although not very active the last two years, I want to thank Robin and all of you for TBD. It was on the "old TBD" that I met my dear wife on November 9, 2008. I took a chance on meeting her on Thanksgiving weekend and we were married shortly thereafter. That totally changed my life, my philosophy, and my outlook. My wife has a saying, "Never be afraid to give up who you are for who you can become." I took the plunge, and I am so glad I did.

      If there needs to be any money kicked in, message me.

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        I will keep site free without ads. Now that I am retired I can afford to.
