Vivian opened her eyes and stretched. She smiled to herself, closed her eyes and took in a deep breath letting it out slowly feeling very satisfied. Then she reached over to the other side of the bed with her arm and that place was empty. She quickly turned to see what had happened that David wasn’t there. She began to glance around the room. “Now where could he be?” she thought. Just then David walks into the room carrying a tray.
“Well hello sleeping beauty. I see you finally decided to wake up.” He smiled as he sat the tray down at the edge of the bed then leaned to where she was to kiss her. “How was your night, may I ask?” He added in a teasing way.
“Can’t you tell my sweet prince? You put me in a trance that I still wish I was inside in it.” She laughed.
“Well, that can be done right away if you want. After all we have all morning to ourselves without having to think about work for the time being.” David reached over and took her in his arms, kissing her again.
“I’d love that. You don’t know how much I would love to do that, but I think we better have some breakfast first, don’t you think darling? We don’t want to get too tired since we have to be on our toes for this afternoon.” Vivian reached over to grab a piece of toast with jelly that was on the tray close to her.
“Must you be so logical all the time? After all I don’t think we’re involved in any of O’Connor’s last minute shenanigans that he’s pulling on Carter. We have all the time in the world now to play a little.” David said as he grabs Vivian one more time and begins to kiss her on the neck.
“Oh honey that makes me tickle.” and she begins to giggle like a young schoolgirl. David begins to laugh listening to her giggles and Vivian then pushes the piece of toast in his mouth.
“Now let’s have some breakfast and after this is all over, tonight we can enjoy a little wine and get-together for just the two of us.” She wiggles out of his clutches and slides out of bed. “We do need out strength, you know.” She laughs.
“Bull.” Is all David could say holding the toast in his mouth. Vivian laughs and heads for the bathroom as David makes himself comfortable in front of the tray and starts to drink his coffee. Once Viviane came back, she takes the tray and sets it on top of the small table and pulls herself a chair. She sits down and begins to munch on a piece of toast.
“Bring the other chair, honey, and sit beside me. You were so sweet to make breakfast for us.” she smiled as she takes a sip of her cup of coffee.
David pulls the small bench from the vanity table nearby and sits next to Vivian. He smiles at her and they both continue to drink their orange juice.
“I still can’t believe that the Mansion is all done and finished finally.” She began. “In a way, I always have a separation feeling about it.”
“What do you mean honey, why separation?” David inquired.
“Well, when you have worked at a project for a long time and it finally comes to the end, don’t you feel like an emptiness inside of you when you finally finish it?”
“Of course not. I don’t get that attached to my projects. I think because you deal more with objects that it might hit you differently. I deal with steal and cement, and mortar. Those things are just a means to putting things together for me.”
“I suppose so, looking at it that way. It’s just that this place had been empty for so many years and we brought it back to life. It just makes me feel like we leave a good part of us inside.” Vivian’s voice seemed to wander.
“Stop getting so sentimental about it and let’s finish our breakfast and then get ready to go there. The hour is getting close for us to start thinking about the nice retributions that will come our way soon. Maybe we can go on a long honeymoon to some island where we can just relax and make love all day?” David teased.
“Oh stop it David. Although it would be nice to get away and did you say honeymoon? Are you proposing to me?” Vivian acted surprised.
“I’ve been proposing to you since we were in high school and you never got the hint, silly bean.” He grabs he and gives her a long kiss.
Oh David I know you were always there for me and I was so blind not to see it but now... of course we will go on a honeymoon and then life will finally begin for us once more.” She kisses him and then gets up. “Now let’s get ready or we may never leave this room if we keep this up.” Vivian lets out a silly laugh.
“You had to change the subject as usual.” David answered disgruntled as he called out at her.
They finally got dressed and by then it was close to noontime so David suggested maybe they should grab something to eat or wait until after the meeting at the Harrington place.
“You know, we shouldn’t keep calling it the Harrington Place since Carter is now the owner.” Vivian mentioned to David as they went out the door.
“I suppose your right honey, but it’s had that name for so many years that unconsciously everybody just never stopped calling that house that way, even when the Pearson’s occupied it for that short time. Then it stayed such a long time empty that it was always referred to the Harrington Mansion when someone would mention it.
“Let’s just head for over there.” Vivian reiterated. “I’m curious to know what O’Connor has up his sleeve.” They both got in the car and started towards the house. Twenty minutes later they were approaching and Vivian could see two cars already in the driveway.
“That looks like Andrew’s car and I can’t recognize the other one David. It must be that other person that O’Connor wanted Carter to meet.”
David parks that car next to Andrew’s car and they both start heading for the main door. David rings the bell and no sooner had he done so than Carter opens it.
“Come right in Vivian and David. I’m so glad you have arrived early. O’Connor is on his way. He just called a few minutes ago. I supposed that person is coming with him. Anyway, I’m so pleased with the way the house has turned out. Please follow me into the library. Andrew is waiting there. I want you to see my book collection.” Carter kept talking.
They walked to the library and saw that Andrew was standing in front of the mantelpiece looking at the portrait of Clara Portman. He turned around. “Well it’s nice to see you two together and in good health once more. How have you been? Any wedding plans yet?” He grinned.
“Don’t worry Andrew; you’ll be the first to know. Just coax this one to stop thinking so much and just give me the go-signal and I’ll do the rest.” David smiled. “I see you’ve been looking at Clara. It’s quite a nice portrait don’t you think? Of course you would be the only one here to really know if it’s a good liking of her or not. You met her personally.”
“Oh yes I did and she was quite the vivacious beauty. This house was always buzzing with dinners and parties most of the time, except when Samuel Harrington would take her away to Europe.” Andrew reminisced as he sat down in one of the plush burgundy chairs.
“Well we must get together so you can tell us some good stories from those days Mr. Watson, to be sure.” O’Connor spoke standing at the entrance of the library. David and Vivian turned around surprised to see him there with a young man standing beside him.
“Ah yes, she must have been a beautiful woman.” O’Connor continued as he headed closer to the mantelpiece by the fireplace. He stares at the portrait for a moment. “It is difficult to tame the proud.” O’Connor said nodding his head. Then he turns around and sees that Carter had entered the library.
“Would anybody like a drink?” he began. “I have my bars set up and would gladly treat you. And who is this young man you brought with you Detective?
“I thank ye for the offer but since I be on duty right now, I cannot accept your hospitable offer. Maybe the rest of the group excluding me friend that I’ve brought ye to meet might care for a sip?”
Carter looks at the young man for a moment. “Well can we find out who he is?”
“Yes, to be sure.” O’Connor began. “Believe you could have met this lad many months ago but he was too shy to come forth while you were fixing this beautiful house, Mr. Henderson. Or so he stated he was never ever able to see you alone.”
“What are you talking about detective? I don’t know what you’re trying to say but I would appreciate it if you could spell it out more clearly to me. I have no idea who this person is. ” Carter questioned looking confused again.
“I think we shall begin now.” O’Connor started. “This young man is your cousin.” Everybody except Andrew and O’Connor froze speechless.
“I have no cousins, detective. I was never told I had any relatives. I did try to find out if I did, but all I could come up with was with a birth certificate that somebody sent me some time ago through the mail. But I was never able to make heads or tails from what it said.” Carter declared. “Why are you telling me this now?”
I will let Mr. Watson explain it to ye better since he knows the whole story now.” O’Connor looked at the man sitting in the burgundy chair.
Andrew Watson stood up and took some papers out from his briefcase and began to look at Carson.
Your mother Mrs. Sarah Henderson was sworn into secrecy but I, on the other hand, am now able to break the seal that you father placed on my lips fifty years ago.” Watson began.
“For God’s sake Andrew, my Dad died thirty years ago. What are you saying?” Carter stood up from the sofa where he was sitting.
“That’s your adoptive father, son, but I’m referring to your real father. Samuel Harrington.” Please hear me out. Then he began to read a letter
“Dear Sir: Mr. Andrew Webster.
You don’t know me but soon you will realize why I am addressing this to you. My sister, Mrs. Clara Portman Harrington nee’ Port-Monde y Fernandez de Ortega, confessed to me in her death bed that she is married to the gentleman Samuel Harrington the third, and because he didn’t let her tell him the whole story, due to thinking she had been an adulteress to him, she came to me one night and declared she was pregnant with his child. I tried to give her a place to live and continued watching her pregnancy until the time of delivery. Unfortunately complications set in and after she delivered a healthy boy, her heart began to fail.
I found a good couple to take care of the child but asked them never to divulge my name, even though I would help them with as much as I could to raise them. They were of modern means and my extra help allowed them to raise him like the lineage which he had descended from. That is what I promised my sister. I’m proud he turned out the way he did and has not disgraced his background.
I also found out later that my sister was accused of having relations with their chauffeur, which is far from the truth; therefore I want you to set these inaccuracies straight. He must know the truth about his heritage.
I rely on your discretion since I won’t be able to do it myself due to my failing illness. Sincerely yours, Alonzo Port-Monde Fernandez de Ortega, M.D.
The room was silent like a tomb for a long time. Then Carter looked at Andrew Watson. His jaw was clenched tight and his stare was blank.
“You should have told me. Why didn’t you say something to me?” He demanded.
“Carter, you must understand I wasn’t allowed because I had given my word.
“Now hold on there Mr. Henderson or Harrington.” O’Connor interrupted.
“I’m Henderson.” He shouted back.
“Well that is your choice, Sir. But don’t be getting mad at Mr. Watson since he was bound by law not to divulge any of these by yer natural father. I personally found at the Hall of Records in the State of Massachusetts, that yer Uncle Dr. Portman or what he said in the letter his name was, God rest his soul. He left the DNA of your mother written to prove she was yer legitimate mother and Mr. Watson has acquired the DNA of yer legitimate father so that is proof enough, if you care to see it. The chauffeur’s does not match at all. Therefore you are the legitimate heir to the Harrington fortune which is in trust for you. Trustee of course is Mr. Watson. And I can finally close this case meself and finally dance a jig.” O’Connor sat down relieved.
Again the silence overtook the room. Then Carter slowly walked to where Young Alonzo was standing in a corner of the library all this time. They looked at each other for a long time and then Carter grabbed him and hugged him.
Ach, that by God in heaven seems like a good beginning to me for sure!” O'Connor exclaimed and clapping his hands.
Then Carter went to Andrew and shook his hand looking at him with grateful eyes. “Thank you.” He said and smiled. “Now shall we have a nice stiff drink or not?” He added.
“I’ll see Mom Sarah tomorrow and I know she will be happy for me. You must all come back and have dinner with us.” He turned and looked at the portrait on the mantelpiece and smiled. “I knew there was a reason I liked that portrait when I bought it.”
Great Story! Time for a Fiesta! There's time now for you to go back through it and punch it up a bit, but for now the time to celebrate has arrived! Good job, through all the computer problems and internet crisis, you made it. I am proud of you and your accomplishment!
Thank you Sir. I'm going to rest from it a bit and then like you said, go back do that. what's "punch it up"? I do feel good I finally finished something. Hey about some tostadas de pollo and some cabrito al horno,guacamole and arroz colorado with pozole and BEER for a change?? haha.
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