TBD on Ning

Vivian finally reached the coffee shop where she was to meet David.  By now it was nine o’clock and she hurried to find a parking spot.  Walking to the entrance she could see David sitting at a table and another man was also with him but she could not tell who it was because his back was facing her.

“Who did David find to talk to now?” She wondered. “I suppose someone recognized him and decided to keep him company until I got here.”

She opens the door and walks straight to where David was talking to the man and as she approached them, David sees her.

“Well it’s about time you got yourself over here.  Look who popped in tonight and is keeping me company?”

Vivian gets closer to the table and at the same moment the man turns around.

“Hello Vivian.” Carter Henderson smiled. “I bet you weren’t expecting me to be here.   After the workers left, I decided to get a bit to eat and thought of this coffee shop where you two once told me that the food was good so I came over and who do I see sitting by himself but David.  Good thing, because I needed to see you both and tell you the good news.”

Vivian sat down next to David still looking surprised at Carter being there so late at night.

“What good news are you referring to Carter?”  Vivian said still trying to take in the whole picture of Carter being so friendly.

“I decided to get my mother from the place I have her and tomorrow I will go and pick her up from that Rest Home.  I just wanted everything to be just right before that and today David’s workers helped me finish setting up her bedroom.  I went up to the attic and found a lovely headboard and footboard there in excellent  shape and other things also for the room.  The rest of the furniture and the bed linen arrived so we set up the bed and the other pieces and I know she will be very pleased the way it looks.”

“Well, I’m happy for you. I thought that David and I had some work to do but evidently you did fine without us.  I’m starved, do you both mind if we order something? Then we can continue to talk about what you've done since I got incapacitated.”

“That’s a good idea” Carter said as he waived at a waitress.  “It really is unbelievable that everything is done and it will be my pleasure if you two come and have dinner at the house.   I also want to call Andrew and your dear friends to come too so that you can all finally meet my mother.  I have a good feeling that now I will be happy in that house and we will be seeing a lot of each other.    You both have stood by me even though so many occurrences kept happening along the way, but we all overcame them together.  I am grateful to you both for standing by and continuing to finish the job.”  Carter nodded and looked at  both of them.   “Now how about getting something to eat, on me, and we can continue our conversation?   We mustn’t keep Vivian from starving.”  He laughed.

Each ordered what they wanted from the menu and the conversation continued very amicably among the three.  Vivian now was seeing Carter in a different light and she was relieved in a way that the ending had finally arrived. She had assumed that the little things that she thought needed to finish, like getting knick knacks  for some of the rooms, were not that important to Carter so she was content that he didn’t think so either.

As they were enjoying their dinner, Carter’s cell phone began to ring.   He apologized for the interruption and  opened it to answer the call.

“Oh hello Andrew, what a coincidence.    I’m having dinner with Vivian and David. We were just discussing that since the house is finally done I want you and your wife and the dolly sisters, that’s what I call them endearingly of course,  to  come day after tomorrow to meet my mother and have dinner with us at the house.  I was going to call you in the morning.  What?  What does O’Connor have to tell me?  That case was over I thought?  I have nothing more to do with that.  Now what is it he wants? Or does he also want to come for dinner too?”  Carter was baffled a little and showed it in his face but tried to look amused.

Vivian looked at David. “Now what ?” She whispered.   Carter closed his cell and stared down at the table.

“What is it Carter?” Vivian began.  “What did Andrew say? If it’s not too personal.”

“I don’t understand. Andrew mentioned that Detective O’Connor wants to come tomorrow to the  house and he’s bringing someone with him that knows about me and wants to meet me?  That it’s very important this meeting.  But he didn’t say who it was.   And that it’s best I be there tomorrow at one in the afternoon.  I’m going to have to postpone the trip to get my mother so I will call her in the morning, I suppose.  Andrew seemed a little disturbed too.   What is so important about this person?”   He looks at both of them as they stare back with blank expressions.

“If you don’t mind, I would like you two to be there also. I just don’t know why so much secrecy about this.  Why didn’t O’Connor call me himself?  Maybe Andrew is planning to come too?” Carter asked still looking very puzzled.

“That is interesting, Carter.” David answered.  “Do you suppose it has something to do with that skeleton that we found in the garden in the back?”

“No, of course not.” Vivian interjected.  “That case was solved and they found out that all of us had nothing to do with it.  It is strange though.  Of course we will be there Carter.  I’m very curious about this myself.”  She frowned.

David looked at her confused that she would want to get involved after all that had happened previously with Carter.

“Well let’s forget about it for now and enjoy our meal.   Tomorrow will be here soon enough and we all need to get some rest.” Carter said as he called the waitress for her to bring the check.   “I’m sorry; I don’t want to rush you. Would you like to order something else? This phone call sort of got me flustered a bit.”   They both shook their heads and then Carter paid the bill and they left the restaurant.

David took Vivian to where her car was parked. “You know honey, this sounds fishy to me. Why would O’Connor need to bring this person to meet Carter? I don’t understand this.  And why didn’t Andrew know more about it unless he’s not allowed to say anymore until O’Connor gets there to explain what’s going on?

“Well there’s no point in worrying about it tonight. We find out tomorrow soon enough. Let’s go get a good night’s sleep now and let tomorrow take care of itself.”   David interjected. 

“You always make things look so simple darling.”  Vivian turned and kissed him.  Come to my house tonight okay?”  She suggestively implied with her smile.

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Replies to This Discussion

The die is set. Tomorrow the entire cast will be in the mansion to hear the entire story? Time to stock up on popcorn, root beer, and perhaps some enchiladas.

Yummy enchiladas!! And lots of cold root beer in case they have too much chile!

Wow You're the greatest cook luvy!  Pass the guacamole please and I want the drink with the cherry. Mmmmm




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