TBD on Ning


An hour later O’Connor was at his desk in the precinct reviewing the papers that were stolen from him.

“We placed the bum in the interrogation room, Mike.   Anytime you’re ready to start the questioning we’re ready for you. This guy is a weird character I might add. I don’t think he’s from our area. We’re sending out his fingerprints to find out exactly who the heck he’s from because he won’t volunteer any information.”

“You go ahead Bill and don’t ye worry about that.   We got him on a 245 anyway. We will get all that from the Central Bureau so I’ll go see what he’s willing to tell me when I go in to question him. I’m curious meself what his MO was when he held me up.” O’Connor answered.

“Yeah you’re right; we’ve got him on assault with a deadly weapon anyway so there’s no hurry if he doesn’t start to talk.” Bill chuckled .  “That was good the way those highway officers grabbed him so  quick.   Glad you called it in so fast.”

O’Connor nodded and kept reading the paper in front of him.  “Let him sweat it out for a while as I finish reading some evidence I came across on my trip down state.”

Bill nodded and left the room.  O’Connor kept reading the birth certificate that he had acquired from the records office and one word caught his eye.

“Aha!   “He said out loud. “Now I know why I was assaulted. ‘Tis time now to stop putting it on the long finger, to be sure.   Now I think I can get to the bottom of this very soon.   It must be done fairly lively now.”  O’Connor rose from his desk and headed for the interrogation room.


They had left it in a semi-dark condition when O’Connor stepped inside the room. The person sitting at the table had his arms resting on his lap and O’Connor could see that his wrists were handcuffed.

Sitting in front of him he began to observe him.  He wasn’t old at all. Looking at his MO, O’Connor sees that this man was in his late thirty’s. He had black hair and very dark sunken eyes with a two-day-old beard on his face. His pale complexion made the stubs on his face look as though he had black soot covering the lower middle of his face. They were so thick and pronounced. He had an interesting look about him.   Straight pencil thin nose and bushy eyebrows that showed he belonged to some upper class kind instead of the regular bums that O’Connor was used to looking at. His body looked frail as his shoulders slumped forward.

 “Where do ye come from lad?  Surely you’re not from anyplace around here I know.” O’Connor began. There was a long silence and O’Connor continued.

“Don’t worry if you won’t tell. There’s ways of us finding out anyway. Soon we will get the results from yer fingerprints and that alone will place ye, to be sure.

“So come out with it now.   What were you going to do with those papers you stole from me, by the way?   What is it to ye about those papers or do ye have something to do with them?  Speak up or you will be going to jail for assaulting an officer of the law and stealing from him, ye hear?”   O’Connor was getting upset now. The door opened and another policeman stepped inside reaching O’Connor and whispering in his ear after handing him a piece of paper.

Looking down at the paper, O’Connor’s face lights up, then he stares at the man across from him.

“You have something to do with the Henderson family, don’t ye?” He grins. What are you doing so far away from Baton Rouge?  Speak up or ye may never get out of this place at all.” 

The young man begins to tremble a little and then looks at O’Connor.

“Please Sir, if I tell you why I stole those papers, just promise me it will stay right here with you. I didn’t mean to harm you. I never had a weapon on me. ”

“I’ll keep a shut mouth if ye tell me what I want to hear. True they only found a stick, so start yer talking.”  O’Connor said with a serious face.

“I guess I have no choice.” The young man said. “My name is  Alonzo Portman Jameson and I have been living in Henderson’s  home in Branton, Connecticut now for over four months.  I came from Baton Rouge because I promised my uncle that I would let Carter Henderson, know who I was.  But something always seemed to get in the way so I haven’t been able to speak with him. I just stayed up in the attic so that nobody would know I was there. The house had too many people coming and going for a while and he was never too close for me to get to him. He never stayed there after dark.”

“Now hold on there.  I’m sure there were many times you could have approached Mr. Henderson, to be sure.  I can’t buy what you are saying to me. You were there so many months and you never found the opportunity?   Stop your lies and come out with the real story now.”  O’Connor was getting annoyed.

“I swear that’s the reason.  I lived in the attic for all those months but there were always workers around and I didn’t want anybody else to see me.” He declared.  “ Except for one day that some woman decided to snoop up there and I tried to scare her. “

“Doesn’t make sense what you say. Who were you hiding from?  What woman?”  You  better  stop your lying boy, so tell the truth and shame the devil or I’ll throw the book at ye.” O’Connor stood up.

“I can’t.   I can only talk with him.  It’s personal;  I was sworn to secrecy.   I have to let him know why I was in his house all this time.   You must never divulge those papers to him either.  It will bring back too many bad memories and that is now what my uncle Dr. Portman, wanted for him to know.”  Alonzo insisted raising his voice looking very agitated.

 “Now ye cannot hide this from him anymore.   I see you have the same name as your uncle Alonzo but who was your father?  Per chance would his name be Sebastian?”   O’Connor’s eyes squinted as he spoke.

“No! Alonzo shouted. Don’t ever mention that name to me. My father was a good man and so was my uncle.   He was very well liked in out part of the country and they never tried to harm or disgrace his name by doing things immoral or unethical.  Not like her.”   Alonzo slammed his fists on the table.

“Whoa now there lad.  A secret is a weapon and a friend too, but it’s time you tell O’Connor what yer hiding.”   He kept staring straight at him. “So start your tale and I will be the judge of it.”





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Replies to This Discussion

Yes I think we are finally. Maybe in one or two chapters more. Depends how much talking O'Connor does. ha-ha.

Now we have the ghost! Time for the Agatha Christie gathering of all involved while O'Connor points to each of them, revealing the final mystery! Calls for a feast!

Yummy! I need some now to get my wheels moving fast. lol

Love the Sesame Gang coming along too! Time to chow!

I love the cherry floats,hic!  I've been doing a lot of research and my eyes are getting crossed but I think this week-end I will post another  chapter.  At 15 cents WOW that's a steel luvy. I''ll  take 3! LOL  Burp!!




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