TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh

yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a dew or two.

We have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be

a tad hungry, too.......Your money isn't any good here, but your

friendship is valued, so come on in and enjoy yourself...if no one is here

please just leave a note to let us know you came by to visit....:)


Mary- Manager

Lynn- Bartender

Tags: Fellowship, Food, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 144

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Wow Lynn, sorry you had to drop the price. Hoping that will sell the house. Oh wow, 2 days and counting to see your guy.........you sound so excited and I am excited for you.......I know you will have a great time. See you when you get back.

thanks for your good wishes! i'll be online while on-the-road -- 2+ weeks is too long to stay away!

as for dropping the price? i'll take a lowball offer anyhow, it just lets them "freshen" the advertising!
Hello, I'm just getting in from going to a cover dish get together...but did get
every thing done...except for 2 small items around the apt house..those I will
do tomorrow.........I"m beat!!!

Lynn, know you are excited about getting a way for 2 weeks but so happy to know
you will be online at least part of it....have fun! I understand about lowing the price
a wee bit...watch enough of HGTV...hehehe...have learned a lot...but still can't
afford to buy anything........:)

Ladyg, thank you so much for the yummy breakfast which I snacked on between cleaning
and doing 4 loads of laundry.......and all for 1 person........me!!!!. I also included some
fall cleaning items....slip covers and such too!....
Have a great night..going to check out FB...for messages...then I'm offf too bed!!!!
night night, sweet dreams.......too! both of you....love ya'll...........:)

have a relaxing sunday Sunday

happy halloween Halloween
Happy Halloween, indeed!

i'm not ready for trick-or-treaters, hope they're not planning to show up! very few kids live in this community, so i'll just turn the front lights out and pretend i'm not home....
OH my gosh I almost forgot again...what a dunce I am........lol

enjoy your sunday minnie mouse

happy halloween
showing some blue monday love have a rockin week my dear friend Monday
it smonday your gonna need it coffee Monday
love you guys! see you soon!
And we love you too! {{{Lynn}}}!!!!! Be safe on the road in your travels!!

lotsa luv big hugs teddy bear
have a tasty tuesday Tuesday
Well here I am...at last...a little worse for wear...after a tiny accident
this morning leaving the polls........but I is here!....LOL

happy tuesday Tuesday




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