TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh

yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a dew or two.

We have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be

a tad hungry, too.......Your money isn't any good here, but your

friendship is valued, so come on in and enjoy yourself...if no one is here

please just leave a note to let us know you came by to visit....:)


Mary- Manager

Lynn- Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place...that I set up in a group on EONS...so please drop in

and say hi there too!.......


Hot Coffee and a Dew for my Jeff

and a cola for Dot and anyone else

Tags: Fellowship, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 508

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No ma'm you're so good!!!!!!!!! Yummy, Yummy for my tummy.........LOL j/k....love
the night time snacks........might have to get some if I don't got to sleep
again tonight...........or is it morning.......ah well.........:)
you're so bad, you're good, Ladyg!!!!!!!!
givin out friday hugs have a great weekend Animated Friday
happy Friday to each one of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
make the best of it!
Ladyg I’ll finish off the goodies for you and wash the dishes so you have a fresh start in the morning. =)

Lynn and Mary so good to see you too!!

Anything exciting for the weekend?
OK so I'm just a tad early for this.......but wanted to make sure I made it!!!! LOL

it's caturday? Saturday Animals

Well Chris for myself.....just work, and then trying to figure out what is going
on w/Skype........so I can talk w/my friends.......and they can't hear me on their
end...........since I can hear them on mine........:) oh and fun things like chores, too
Just have to get more motvaded.......however it's spelled.......LOL
Mary, Lynn and Chris if you guys can continue to greet and leave daily comments for everyone I would really appreciate it. I will be gone for about two weeks. I will not be on FB either so will you all carry on here and on Eons for me until I get back. Thank you my friends and I will see you when I return.

showing some saturday love Saturday Glitter
Yes, of course I can as long as internet is up and running........and it is, speaking for myself...tho....

I hope everything is alright with you, Ladyg!
hi, all! Ladyg, good fortune while you're gone.
Mary, i'll show up too, for sure, altho' i'm not zackly one of those morning larks....
Chris, hey! hope you're okay. i have a dull and boring weekend planned, nothing in particular scheduled. might pack a few boxes, might go for groceries, but might not do either, just curl up and read. hmmm....
oh, btw, thanks for doing the dishes, Chris!
Cooooooooooollllllll...Lynn, I will try to remember to do mornings.........tho as u know
I don't make it into EONS too often...might need a reminder....lol now and then.....:)

Dishes.......hmmmmmmmmm....what sort of dishes.....ones u use or receipes types?
Inquireing minds want to know.............LOL j/k........:)
Mary, don't worry about eons, it's been weeks since anybody but LK and Ladyg and me (and sometimes you) showed up. LK and I can hold that fort down. i'm an admin there, so it's covered.
Ok that's great Thank you Lynn....I just for get to get over there......:)




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