TBD on Ning

Hello Folks,
Welcome to our little coffee shop, where we just gather when we want to
take a little break, chat with whomever might be here at the moment and
get to know each other. It's a friendly little place and everyone is
welcome. Just say hello and folks here should respond. If no one
happens to be here at the moment, just stick around or keep an eye on
the last post to see who pops up to greet you

Views: 1067

Replies to This Discussion

Hey cuppajoe! Where are you? I'm still in WV. Will be heading to Colorado in Sept.
Nope. . . everything in the dishwasher. I would think that's a fire hazard, not to mention many other things that I won't go in to.
LOL I was thinking about certain potential sanitation issues with this procedure.
Me too, rhb!

Good Wednesday morning all! What's happening in and around your neighborhood today?
Helloooooooooo, well guess no ones home...........oh well......just a short
message to my friends............

givin out friday hugs have a great weekend Animated Friday
Just checking in. Looks like the shop is closed. Hope everybody is ok.
Hi Robbie, Mary. Sure is quiet here.
Yeah it has been here lately....but not giving up quite yet...and how have you
been Miss Goldilocks? and Mr. Robbie?
Good Thursday morning everyone! The sun is shining and beautiful blue skies today! Here's hoping the temps are higher and the ground dries off from the rain. Hope everyone has a great day and weekend! (((((((((HUGS))))))))))) to all!
Hi Lyndee, Mary! George and I are fine, we had an extremely busy day today. This is the first chance I had to get online today!
Good night, all!
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{LYNDEE}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Great to see you!
Hogs and quisches my friends. Missing all you guys.




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