TBD on Ning

Welcome to Ladyg’s Place, a place to come in and visit
with friends, listen to music, read, laugh, eat goodies....have'
fresh brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a Dew or two!!!

If no one is around just leave a note to let us know you came
by....Your money isn't any good here, but your friendship is




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Well it's raining and storming...right now....I love the pictures, what fun

time to be had by all!!!! :)  Thank you so much for sharing!!! :)

have a nice sunday

good Sunday!

Ladyg, thank you soooooo much for the pictures!  she's a beautiful girl, and such a happy smile on her face, she's having a wonderful time, for sure!!!

too bad one of the girls got injured, tho', that puts a damper on things, i'm sure.  hope it doesn't take her too long to heal.

Everyone had a great time despite the injury. Little Mikala is doing well. I talked to her today and the swelling has gone down, she is still limping a little but for the most part she says she is doing great. Thank God nothing was broken.

Well it is 75 today and just a beautiful day. I hope my two best friends Lynn and Mary are having a wonderful day. Love you gals♥

sooo glad it wasn't a serious injury, not a sprain that's gonna' take weeks to heal!

love you back, Ladyg, and Mary too!

Gee, did I forget to mention that I love ya'll! My TWO very BEST OF BEST FRIENDS

in the whole wide WORLD????????  Shame on me.......:)

i did a spyware scan, and alluva' sudden, teebeedee is loading quickly again.  so i don't know specifically what the problem was, but clearly some kind of adware/spyware was interfering.

glad to be able to pop in and out of here again!

hope your Monday's a good one!

monday garfield
here's Tuesday -- it really is spring! gotta' love it!
Oh I do, I do, love it!!!  Well w/1 exception...the Pollen!!!  LOL

Cat and Parrot
hump day Pictures, Images and Photos
happy wednesday




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