TBD on Ning

Welcome to Ladyg’s Place, a place to come in and visit
with friends, listen to music, read, laugh, eat goodies....have'
fresh brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a Dew or two!!!

If no one is around just leave a note to let us know you came
by....Your money isn't any good here, but your friendship is




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hope your friday is a great one!

here's saturday breakfast for my friends!

Oh yummy.......can't wait for Saturday to get here........:)

Oh boy am I ever late, have a slight cold...well a sore throat...so not all

together right now......:) Anyway...wanted to wish all a Happy Friday,

I'm off tomorrow woo hoo!!!!!!!!!just going to be working on the books

before Monday for taxes.....ugh!!

You take care of yourself Mary............work on those books when you feel better. Lynn thanks for the breakfast............yummy

hi, Ladyg!  

Mary, i hope you're feeling better, but there's a doc appt in your future anyhow, sooner instead of later (yes, i'm nagging....)

love you both!

hi and huggles to anyone else who wanders thru!

I made it in late again, sorry about that........mind has been running overtime

w/numbers ect w/trying to get books ready in time....and taking over the counter

meds......so I can breathe.......lol........also lots of the sneezing...and runny, suffy

nose......not a pretty picture I assure you.......Nag away...Lynn....it's being taken

care of as we speak :) 


Love you 2 so much.........:)  Hugglessssssssssssss.......

Get well soon Mary..............luv u 2 more♥

that's good news, Mary -- not that you're feeling poorly, but that you're making progress....

the rain showed up a bit later than the weatherman predicted, but it sounds like i live under a waterfall!  yikes!

have a great sunday!

Today is Joe Cain Day and the parade of the Merry Widows............




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