TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS.

Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.

Ladyg - Owner
Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender

Tags: Coffee, Conversation, Food, Friends, Music

Views: 1214

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Popped in to say 'hi'.  I wasn't sure which time zone we were in. 

I'd like a ginger ale and a couple of those green olives. 

Things are very festive here tonight.

Thanks...............ginger ale coming up Eddie

How have you been this fine evening Eddie?

I will be happy to show you..............you can pick up a lot of images from photobucket and save them to a file you make up in My Pictures.

How are you doing this evening? Welcome to Ladyg's........what can I get you to drink?

i ran off and jumped in the shower, back now!  thanks for stopping in, EddieDingo and annieoak!

glad you're here, Ladyg!  yes, it's been a rough week, if only on the national level, never mind all our personal friends and loved ones who are struggling, huh?

about posting pics, annieoak, you're correct that ning is much different than eons.  if you click on the second-from-left icon in the toolbar above the "reply" space, you have 2 choices.  i've never used the "from a URL" tab, so can't help much there, but for the leftmost tab. "from my computer," you need to have the pic saved on your personal hard drive, then "browse" 'til you find it, select it, and click the "open" button -- that will post it.  you can change the size of the pic by setting the number of pixels in the "width" line, before you click OK.  200-600 pixels is ordinary, about 2 - 5 inches wide; anything bigger is difficult to see w/o scanning across it.

Thanks for the help Lynn.................Annieoak if you have any problems please feel free to check with Lynn or me.

Plus feel free to check through our pages take anything you like.



That is so cute.........I'm going to snag that one. Here is another one you can snag Annie.

yes, Ladyg, i faithfully snag all your new pics, into my snacks&drinks folder, for future use!




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