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Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. A place for people to come in the morning for coffee and conversation, evening for music, drinks, fun and weekend parties. Where everybody knows your name and we’re awfully glad you came, oh wait that was CHEERS.

Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.

Ladyg - Owner
Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender

Tags: Coffee, Conversation, Food, Friends, Music

Views: 1213

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Awwwwwwwwwww please take pictures of Rocky in his Santa outfit.

LOLOL oh u know I will be sharing Rockys Santa Look...already have a few photos, just not the right one yet....:)

oh, i thought you'd be standing on the roadside WATCHING, but wow, you're gonna' be on one of the floats?  yippee!!!!!!!!  tell us more?

Yes, I'm a member of the Aiken Scottish Sociaty...and they are a part of the parade, along w/the pipes and drums....if I can figure out doing a short video of the pippers I will up load that too!! :)

:) I have always enjoyed Donna Summer!!!!

I'll brb...going to check dryer :)

I will be back in a few also going to check on dinner.

i just put my pizza in the oven, so ~30 minutes from now, i'll bail on you guys for a little while

the Aiken Scottish Society?  who'd have thunk it?  well, actually, who can imagine knowing one's ancestry that clearly?  mine is a mixture of the English prisoners who were shipped off to the colonies in what became the state of Georgia who married more English from the part of Virginia known as the Northern Neck (between the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers.  but given how penny-pinching they were, might have been some Scots among 'em!

hey, tell us what Scotsmen wear under their kilts?  better yet, have you got a pic?  heh heh heh

Do you know I have never looked or asked about that!!!  Call me shy......or chicken.....hehehehe




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