TBD on Ning

Please take a moment to introduce yourself!  Perhaps you can tell us how you came to find TBD ~ and please feel free to ask any questions here too.
We will do our very best to help you settle in and be comfortable. 

If you are a former member just returning ~ please let us all know!

Tags: introductions, new_members, questions, returning_members

Views: 1030

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Hi, there. I discovered the original tbd in September of '08, after seeing it advertised online as an over 40 social network. In my initial experience @ the original tbd, I made my home in The Daily Grind, and ran the word games. I've been reincarnated a time or 2 as times & sites have changed; I journeyed here & there as this & that. Lately I've been enjoying tbd Ning's Forum Discussions & Games mostly, but venture over to Q&A & recently began frequenting The Welcome Lounge & seeing if I can play a part in resurrecting The Daily Grind.
Newcomers... welcome. I hope you'll look around, find groups & threads that interest you & just jump right in. You'll find a friendly crowd here.
Hi, WendyLynn! '-)
I'm CuppaJoe or Buzz to most everyone here. I joined TBD in the Summer of of 2008, and founded the Daily Grind Cafe in October of the same year. It has been a wonderful place to meet new friends, and like Cat, I have met about 30 of them in real life. TBD first came to my attention when it was a "For Profit" site and they were advertising heavily. I spotted it in an ad on Face Book. At that time folks were rolling in in droves. The founder, Robin, who also founded Parenting Magazine, claimed over a hundred thousand members. Some came and went but a huge number found, as I did, a home. I used to refer to TBD as my "sun room". When the old TBD went belly up for lack of advertisers, and we came to this free site, there was no entity putting the word out and natural attrition dried up the source of new members, but a lot of us have hung on and kept our fingers in. We are trying to revive the Daily Grind, and hopefully all of our members are out trying to round up the strays. There have been extraordinary times in there and the Welcome Lounge and Q and A and can be again. There has been music and dancing, romances, weddings, real life parties, weekend get togethers and dinners.
I am now on the road in an RV, traveling around the country visiting my TBD friends as is CWO3Robbie. Let us know if you would like for us to visit. But mainly, come on in and get (re)acquainted. I too, am a moderator on this site and may be contacted for assistance by PM or by email at rlmanlove@cox.net. Just give me a shout for help or just to stay in contact.
Wow, Buzz, you opened The Daily Grind in October of '08? I thought I joined tbd in September of '08 & made my home in the DG immediately. I must be getting senile. ;-p
It's wonderful to see that some long established members are here to welcome new comers!
Thank you everyone. I hope more TBD members will introduce themselves. This way new comers have a jumping off point as they make new friends.
Hi, I'm John from NE Ohio. Just checking out the over 40 social scene. I'm recently divorced and kind of figuring things out.
Welcome John. Hope you are navigating around the place alright. If you have any questions feel free to give anybody you see here on this thread a shout. I am sure they will be happy to give you a hand. Just click around if you like also, all groups are open to all members. Except for the Womans Only group, that is obviously for the Ladies. Secret seances and such probably go on in there, I have no clue! LOL!!! (Just kidding Dazz ;-)
Hey John!! Nice to meet you. I'm a Pittsburgher myself. We're nearly neighbors. Make yourself comfortable, if I can help you find your way around, send me a PM. I'm happy to help, and so are others. You'll find that out!
Salutations.....I'm Jaylee....been on TBD since summer of '08. This place was my internet cherry....it was so sweet and welcoming I didn't do FB until '09!
I'm shallow and superficial...It's taken me a lifetime to grow a spine...Even now I hold my breath when I hit 'send'..So far no one has chastised me or PM'd me to tell me off....For that I'm grateful. I feel comfortable here....Sometimes I post and run....Sometimes I don't.
I wish I could be like Robbie and Cuppa and have the chance to meet all of you IRL.
I will say that I've had the chance to connect with someone from here....changed my life forever.
Jaylee, you're adorable. We all love you here!

Welcome, John. I hope you'll look around & make yourself at home here.

Hi, Cat! {{{((({{{big hug}}})))}}}
Aw, thanks for the warm welcome. Does TBD have a chat room/rooms? Would be nice to have some live conversation...
Welcome John!

Look to your right, lower right hand corner: at this moment in EDT there are 15 people on line in the TBD Chat. Click on the "phone" icon and you can chat live with whomever is online in chat mode. Looks as though WendyLynn was looking for a chat?!

If we can be of any more assistance, please ask! Cheers, and again, welcome!




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