Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us.
Permalink Reply by Mary on November 15, 2009 at 6:34am
DesiComments.com | Good Morning | Forward this Picture
A Good Morning to all, this beautiful Sunday, May all who pass by stop and please leave a quick note to say you were here if only for a brief moment in time... May everyone have a Blessed day today!
Good morning everyone, what a glorious day have a wonderful day and enjoy life each and everyday, I love you all.
Permalink Reply by lynn on November 15, 2009 at 7:40am
good morning, Mary, Ladyg! looks like we're all having busy weekend, and cyberland was ghostly quiet yesterday too...
Permalink Reply by Mary on November 15, 2009 at 9:03am
Yes so it seemed to me as well, Lynn. Way too quite and I for one don't know what to make of it. I know the holidays are just around the corner, so that might be one of the reasons.:) Be as that may, I'm going to try to make an effort to get in here more...then it has been, of course w/me starting a PT 2nd Job...it's going to be fun juggling between here,
and in FB, too!........lol
Permalink Reply by Mary on November 15, 2009 at 9:04am
Awww, We love you too, our fearless leader, Ladyg!!! :)
Permalink Reply by lynn on November 15, 2009 at 5:14pm
Mary, starting a 2nd job, crap....but good for you, i just wish it weren't necessary....
I'm transitioning too...in lots of ways, not only retirement.
celebrated my 3rd birthday weekend, think i'm done for this year, have one to "rest up" before Thanksgiving! and 7 more Mondays, counting tomorrow, not too shabby....
Ladyg, i really DO miss you, i know you have a busy "real" life, know that you're on my mind more often than i check in .....see you guys tomorrow!
Permalink Reply by Mary on November 15, 2009 at 7:47pm
You and me both Lynn, but I have to do what I have to do...to help make the ends meet.
I'm just happy I will be doing what I love to do, so it won't seem too bad....just really long
days ahead........:)I can't complain and won't, I know your days are becoming fewer and
fewer and soon you shall be retired....:) can't wait for that party...lol. See you tomorrow
at some point!~~~~