TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us...................and it's the WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wishing every one who passes through a Wonderful Weekend Wishes......and a huge {{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}} to all! Hope to see some of you y'all later on today or tomorrow!!!!!!!!!:)

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Good morning, happy Saturday and happy weekend!

Hey {{{{{{Cat}}}}}}}}!!! Thank you!!!!!!

here's breakfast and coffee/tea/dew!

hummm started typing& all of a sudden i was on fb. crazy damm puter..oh well how do..mary ,,lynn cat & ladyg ..no one home so ill just grab a dew & be on my way...bye bye!
Hope u come back later {{{{{{{{Jeff}}}}}}}} :)
Thanks so much {{{{{{{{Lynn}}}}}}}} for the pic's since I can't seem to download any on here.........:)
Well it is little ole me the run away child running wild.............well I am back and no one around so I will just hang out awhile

Wow, this looks good think I will grab a snack and a drink and relax

yummo tacos

yummy a peach cobbler with no crust LOL
hey, Ladyg, good to see you! I've been out running errands, but settling in for the nite, now.
Hey sweet Lynn I was running around and checking a few things, how have you been?
Well I am running over to FB to see if I can clear my gift list, see you all later




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