TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us...................

Ladyg, Owner
Mary, Manager
Lynn, Bartender

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 14

Replies to This Discussion

Hehehehe.........Jeff baby you can run but you can't hide.......and trust me we will find you!!!!!! one way or the other.........so make nice and please my dear friend, take good care of yourself, there's only one dew Jeff in the world and that would be you.:)
are we golddust twins, or what, Mary!?! LOL
LOL yep, that we are Lynn!!!!!!!!....see there dew Jeff.......and just think two others right behind the golddust twins.......LOL you don't stand a chance in the world to out hide us.....:)
awwww u 2 are too sweet ..but really i can hop on my other bad foot that ones too easy to bugger up ..so im useing two cains ..humm ..if that dont look stupid! but it kinda works & i dont get out that much so it ant like im going to run a marathon..lo!...but as bad as i hate to leave good company think ill go lay on the couch watch mistery diagnois..kinda gory at times but a good show ..hope i dont puk!!!...lol!!!! ....nite sweetys ...be sweet ..be happy ...& thanks 4 being my friend!!
g'nite, jeff. be kind to yourself!
btw, i did put out a dew for ya, in the lodge, earlier, but you'd already gone....
G'night dew Jeff, get some much needed rest.....have a Blessed night and sweet dreams too!Well you know it works both ways don't you.........so........thanks for being our friend:)
g'nite, Mary! hope to see you tomorrow! thanks for the emails!
G'night Lynn:) I always have emails to send....a couple you will just love..and may already have...if so just delete......:) I can't remember what I've sent out before.

I hope to see you tomorrow on here too! as I'm planning to be around in the PM....afternoon and such......:)




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