TBD on Ning

Welcome one and all to our party, come have a drink grab some food, sit by the fire and listen to some wonderful Christmas tunes while enjoying good conversation with old and new friends. Santa will be here tonight and checking his list once or twice to see how many ladies have been Naughty or Nice. Now gentlemen don't worry Ms. Claus will be here checking your list to see if you have been Naughty or Nice. HO HO HO

Wavy Text Generator - MySpace Layouts

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music, Party

Views: 78

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I LOVE this little show and very BIG song!!! I 've added it, too!!!!!!!!
Wow Mary I didn't know that Kenny Rogers & Wynonna sung my favorite song. Nice.
I saw them sing this song several years ago on a tv show......it's also become one of my all time favorite's I also have it on my playlist on my page!!
Wow........you found one with an embedded code...Awesome!!!
luv and goodnite -- i will see you all sometime tomorrow!
Luv and good night Lynn..........see you tomorrow for me it will more then likely be after 4 pm, tho :)
Deb, I've been meaning to ask.......how is Cowboy......is he still on the road? or maybe home now?
Luv and good nite sweet Lynn...........and Deb how is Cowboy I haven't received any request from him in quite a while. I don't even see his name on my friends list anymore, is his ok.
OK......where did you go Ladyg, Deb??




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