TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7177

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not a very good one.

California Chrome...burnin' down da house!

You got that right! (And I forgot to watch.)

I have a metro phone, and there must be a high turnover of number recycling, apparently. For awhile I was getting texts from Chase Bank with somebody's last four on it, telling me his daily balance if it fell below a certain # he and his bank agreed on. Some days he was in the minuses.

I think that was the same fellow who got calls from creditors instructing him to respond .All that finally fell off.

Yesterday I got a text from a # I didn't know, saying: "Jackpot. Hit me when U ready to fire. Got purple diesel, super silver, cherry pie and white gold,"

Me: wrong number. No fire here.

Them: This ain't Geronimos number?

Me: Nope. Must must have had the number before me.I've had it about a year.

Them: Sorry. My bad.

Me: No prob. Good luck lighting your fire.

Life is interesting, isn't it?

Sounds like a job for...Mr. Number!

Yeah, I've been thinking of looking into that.

Imagine having such diverse products for sale all under the same roof - everything from diesel fuel to cherry pies, and silver and gold coins, apparently. And now I have his number! I wonder if he has Greek desserts and window treatments, support hose and diabetic sox. My friend's son, the state trooper, collects gold coins. I should tell him about this guy.

There's no end to how far your entrepreneurship can reach these days.

Hmm...if you decide to tell the cop...I would then urge you to consider changing the phone number...plastic surgery, the witness protection program, and setting down new roots in...perhaps Paraguay.

Oh, boy. Do I get a personality transplant, too? Do I get to choose someone from history? Can I be Mary Pickford or Annette Funicello?

If you wish...however, I just checked stock - currently all that's available is Mitch McConnell and OctoMom.

Really, those guys aren't in high demand? I'm surprised.

The headline in the local daily paper caught my eye: "Police Arrest 2 seniors in Burning of ...High School Stage".

I envisioned an angry mob of retirees storming the high school auditorium with their walkers and canes. But why? For what cause was their support hose in a snarl? Why was their sparse white hair on fire?

Alas, the seniors in question were 4th year students at the high school. Silly me.

Very funny and nice imagery! "Sparse white hair," indeed.




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