TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Came across this burning issue on the internet recently:

“Is it ok for adults to use baby shampoo?”

After scrolling through dozens of replies (yes…no…it makes your hair grow faster…no it doesn’t…you’re a duck head…so are you…), I discovered the following opinion:

“The reason it says "Baby Shampoo" on the lable is because the stuff is chemically designed to be absorbed by the babies head tissues and stored in the brain. It is part of a government plot, just like flouride in the drinking water (and the water you bathe in) to keep the populoation docile and dumb.”

And, as you are already keenly aware, you can’t say it on the internet if it ain’t true.

Your Pal,


;^ }    Good find.  Bman.

"Docile and dumb" -- what a perfect description of, er, moi!

Domed again, dammit.

Popcorn: a welcome accompaniment to broadcast shenanigans...

I made popcorn the old way last night: loose kernels, heavy pot.... It was satisfying, and only one unpopped kernel. However, the popped ones, though tasty, didn't seem as big and fluffy as I remembered them of yore.


When I gave up the microwave popcorn and went back to the thick bottomed pot, it was much better. I quickly learned – that, at least to me – white popcorn was better than yellow, and small kernels were better than large,

But, I think the real difference is how you make it. I use coconut oil, olive oil ( and don’t use virgin – use pomace for grilling and frying), or peanut oil – no tasteless vegetable, or that girlie canola stuff. And real butter. And finally, when you’re heating the oil (turn it up!), and as it just starts to pop, cover it and turn it down – way down. There will still be plenty of heat to finish – with less chance of burning.

My arteries are hardening just thinking of popcorn made with coconut oil.  You do know that that's loaded with saturated fat, don't you?  And with added butter, no less.

Umm...what's yer point?

In a recent poll by Pew Research Center, Michele Obama  is viewed favorably by 68 percent of all Americans.

And more favorably than her husband, President Barack Obama.

(The poll points out that conservative Republicans are not totally enamored of her, but even they like her better than her husband.)

As I recall, Laura Bush was a whooooole lot more popular than Dubya. Just sayin'!

And another reason I like NPR on line is the reader comments. 


Two readers collide (On almost any mainstream news/opinion/sports site):

"Your team's coach is a _____head."

"Oh yeah? Well, your team's coach sucks big ____."


A similar exchange on NPR:

"Your team's coach is a herniated corpuscle!"

"Oh yeah, sphincter-breath? Your team’s coach is a motherdefibrillator!”






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