TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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5:44 pm

Almost dark.

Bare trees are still silhouetted against the remaining light.

It never got above 30 degrees today - even with full sun.

I'm happy.

Nice image: bare trees against the remaining light. I like it, too. It was 26 when I got in the car this morning. How refreshing!

...I wish I had a dollar...

for every dime I spent on you...

Attended a memorial gathering for the husband of my dear friend - not sad at all, good food, good company, shared memories. Am struck with how much "old folks," (us, if you will) become blurters, as though there is so little time left to get the truth out there. One old gal criticized her hubby keeping his hat on indoors, but - she waved her hand - "He just wants people to notice it and ask him about the war." I couldn't see the logo on the billed cap from where I was, so I couldn't tell what war. He was mid-eighties, so....

Another lady told about how she told the deceased, her boss, to "quit yapping and roll up your sleeves and work beside us, and we'll get along just fine." She said they were the best of friends from that time on. (I guess he must have rolled up his sleeves).

From the slides, it looked like my old buddy was gingery redhead at one time.There were two tables full of food - lemon squares, cranberry bars, bean dip, rolls & deli meats, Molson's from Canada. Oh, baby.

Don't know if this is pathos or assholianism.  It is certainly thought-provoking, though.

Oh, dear no, I wasn't suggesting assholery. Didn't mean to convey that. I had a good time. The old dogs and gals were being cheerful and droll in their way. The one with the rolled-up sleeves was speaking to spirit. She had spirit, he had spirit, and the payoff was they ended up bffs, in spite of a spirited confrontation. Ta da! It just interested me that the old folks were blurting and the young folks so quietly lurking. A generational stew. I suspect the young folks had their own refreshments which were not right out there on the table, perhaps more conducive to reflection than projection.

I've noticed that old people sometimes lose what I think of as their "filters" and do, indeed, blurt out what they think. My 97-year-old mother has always been selfish, but used to semi-disguise it with wit and charm. Alas, both are mostly gone and the selfishness is out front and center. My brother wants to write a book about her entitled, "Surrounded by Mirrors."

A digression from the funeral conversation -- which was interesting, btw!

"Surrounded by Mirrors"! I like it.

I was replying to Bmichael's post, Westerly, which should be evident by the faint arrows and lack of indentation under your post, which you posted (inadvertently, I'm sure) in reply to Bmichael's post:

...I wish I had a dollar...

for every dime I spent on you...

Oh, ok then. Very good. Yeah, when I post I can't figure out how to post under the remark  I want to post to. It always comes out last, somehow. Can't figure out the small arrows and lack of indentation thing. But when I reply to what I want to reply to it goes last. So much for noticing indentations . And small arrows.  I guess other people are better at that than I am. You have helped me before with technological hints, and my thanks then and now.

Ok…so we had some snow yesterday that cancelled schools, the employee Christmas party, and all autopsies across the state. (FYI…we’re major wussies when it comes to snow around here – and proud of it!)

Judge: Mr. Bmichael, you are charged  with attempted murder of your supervisor by strangling, food poisoning, and decapitation. How do you plead?

Bmichael: Not guilty, your honor…it snowed.

Judge: Bailiff… is that true? Did it snow?

Bailiff: Yep.

Judge: I understand…case dismissed. However, the court does sentence you to make a feeble apology to the victim…as soon as the snow melts.

Bmichael’s lawyer: Your honor, we find the verdict excessive and will appeal.

Judge: Next case…






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