TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7177

Replies to This Discussion

Hey! I thought Bmichael was from Joisey! He's been misrepresentalizationing himself all along. As for baseball, bah! The Phillies just plain ol' stunk this year. Good luck, Carol!

Am baaaa-aaack from Houston and the 97-year-old birthday girl's celebration. She was actually pretty nice this time around. (Huh?)

Bmichael: your accent is familiar. Did you ever drive a cab I might have taken one time in Manhattan?


Marilyn: glad the birthday girl was so agreeable. My MIL will be 98 the 1st, and still giving marching orders ("be sure to call the staff every day and ask the right questions"), etc., but really in a nice caring way.


Carol: whatta game, no? Go, Sox! The Cards were playing with buttered gloves. Bwahahah. Haven't watched a WS game in over 10 years, but glad you turned me on. So  Satisfying.

Ok…this is it…today’s the day…the day the long nights come – halle-freakin’-julah!

It’s cold outside…fifty degrees below zero at least…nine feet o’ snow…

I’m so hungry, I could eat a door.

Ate a dog instead…wasn’t mine…the neighbor is pissed…didn’t know.


Call 911.

“911…what’s your emergency?”

“I’m frightened.”

“This is serious. I’ll be right there. Try and hold on.

“Bring some White Castles…and hurry!”

“Roger the White Castles.”

“What’s your name?”

“Officer Bootsie. What’s yours?”

“Gasp! Can’t remember!”
“Man up, mister! What-Is-Your-Name?!”

“Uhh…uhh…oh yeah…it’s Bdoug…”

“Bdoug? I like that…it’s hot.”

“I like Officer Bootsie, too.”

“Who’s Officer Bootsie?”

“Uh, I thought…”

“Shut up and listen, pork loin…my name is HelgadontstopdoingthatuntilIsaysomaggot…do want fries with that?”


“Shut up.”




Ok, so now that my sport just started (last night), I’ll bring you rabid sports fans up to speed.

We’re…we’re…we’re…talkin’ ‘bout…talkin’ ‘bout… basketball…ball…ball…ball…as in college…as in knowledge…as in University of Kentucky…which rhymes with…umm…nothing…but you can call us Big Blue (prefaced by “Go”) …which rhymes with… uh…soft shoe…and billions of other things…AND…we were…number ONE…ONE…ONE…even before we played our first game (last night).

We are…are…are…the winningest program in the history of the sport…which is something that you really should write down (just in case you forget).

And…and…and…we won…won…won… the national CHAMPIONSHIP 2…2…2…years ago (and if you bring up last year, I’ll cut your tires, I swear…)…which is starting to become a little boring…because…because…because…(of the wonderful things we does) we’ve done it more than any other mofos in the actual history of-the-world.


And…just so you know… this year we have assembled the greatest freshman team in the history of the freakin’ universe!


Need I say more?

Ok…I will.



Go, Big Blue!


Well, can't top the University of Kentucky b-ball, but I can say I'm on my game these days. B of A just extended my contract for another 6 months or so.  Especially fun because so unexpected! Ye$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Good to hear!

Thanks, my beloved W.! Even better, this will help with the crazy vacation we have planned for next June. Fishing. In Alaska!

Fishing? June? Alaska?


The pic on the first page is a copy of an original piece that I bought several years ago. I bring it out every year at this time.

Currently, it’s hanging in my office in anticipation of Thanksgiving.

The other day, a 20-something young lady looked at it:

“What’s that?”

“My Thanksgiving picture.”

She continued staring.

“Who are those people?”

I eyed her suspiciously.

“Those are pilgrims – you know, the people who started Thanksgiving.”

“Ohh…I thought they were Muslims, or something.”


Oh, Lord help us. Wrong kind of headgear, Clueless.




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