TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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There was a time when I worked for a very upscale hotel in Miami.

One of the benefits of this was that I could provide free stays and amenities for immediate family members - a fact that was not lost on dear old mom and her husband.

I held them off as long as I could for two reasons – I knew they would bring unprecedented challenges to our organization and in the back of my mind, I was somehow concerned for the Columbian drug cartel folks ,who liked us a lot and frequented our spiffy hotel… uh…frequently.

They also liked enormous quantities of  Johnny Walker Black, Cristal, and of course, powerful handguns. This would be the cartel folks, not my parents, although my stepfather never left home without his .38.

Their visit was preceded by another visit – from the Front Desk Manager. Connie just wanted to put me at ease.

“Bmichael…just remember that all of us have some angst when our folks come to visit – we’re used to it. Don’t sweat it…it’ll be fine.”

“Thanks Connie, but…”.

“Oops! Must dash…El Cohones’ girlfriend can’t figure out how to work the key card again…see ya!”

I heard from Connie again – two days later.

“B…your folks brought a dog.”

“Dog?” I feigned. “What dog?”

“Cut the crap…she’s walking it through the lobby – now.”

“Well, I…uh…didn’t… er…uh…”

“Fix it, B…El Cojones saw it and is pissed. He’s sending for his fucking Rottweilers…and by the way, you’ve just been promoted to Associate Rooms Exec. You wanna take care of this ASAP?  It’s your entire job description. Have fun!”

El Cojones turned out to be a non- issue due to a sudden heart attack that same afternoon, which changed everything very quickly, as most of the remaining cartel folks  suddenly and mysteriously disappeared within minutes ( along with their bar tabs) with at least one seeking political asylum.

I evicted my parents (and their little dog, too) and set them up in a rental house on Key Biscayne. They were in their glory until Missy – the little white Havanese that started the whole thing – died when she inexplicably jumped into the deep end of the pool which was empty at the time.


Et al


While scrolling through Spotify his morning, I came across a piece enititled "You Are The Worst Thing In The World" from the album "Immolate Yourself".


 B - not familiar w/spotify. All I need is lower self esteem.

Gotta love Bmichael's story ... parents, drug cartels and puppies! This looks promising for cable tv ...

Just got back from a visit to my mother's.  The highlight of this visit was hiring a back-up caregiver, who will also work every Sunday morning.  My 100-year-old-mother expressed concern that this new caregiver was too old to physically deal with my brother's infrequent tantrums.  Turns out she's younger than either of the other two caregivers and three years younger than I am, and certainly younger than my mother!

Amazing that peopleare living to 100 now; don't know if I want to. My 96-yr-old finally conceded to her drs. wishes and travels with a companion and request wheelchair escort for a pain thing in her hips, when she travels crosss-country from NY to Sacramento. Wouldn't listen to us.  A doctor impresses.

Lucky you -- my mother doesn't listen to her doctor, either.  She does use her cane when she goes outside the house, though.

Well, I am headed out to Houston on Friday to visit my own 96-year-old mother (she turns 96 the 16th), who also refuses to use a walker or cane, despite failing eyesight and increased frailty.Instead, she prefers to lean on ME or my sister-in-law and wear us out! Tho she does the wheelchair in airports (w/o a companion). Hmmmm ... idea of a doctor suggesting it ... hmmmmmm!

Ohio's State Rock Song - Hang On Sloopy

In 1985, the Ohio General Assembly approved "Hang on Sloopy" as Ohio's official rock song. The Ohio General Assembly adopted an official rock song after Joe Dirck, a columnist for the Columbus Citizen-Journal, wrote a column about the State of Washington considering the adoption of its own rock song. The Ohio General Assembly responded by making "Hang on Sloopy" Ohio's rock song. Ohio is the only state to have an official rock song.

Bert Berns and Wes Farrell co-wrote the song, and "Hang on Sloopy" became a major hit for the band The McCoys in 1965. The McCoys were originally from Dayton, Ohio. The song was about Dorothy Sloop of Steubenville, Ohio. A singer, Sloop sometimes used the stage name Sloopy.

The resolution establishing "Hang on Sloopy" as Ohio's rock song had a number of  references to the song's lyrics and to the song's importance to Ohioans. The resolution read:


WHEREAS, The members of the 116th General Assembly of Ohio wish to recognize the rock song "Hang On Sloopy" as the official rock song of the great State of Ohio; and

WHEREAS, In 1965, an Ohio-based rock group known as the McCoys reached the top of the national record charts with "Hang On Sloopy," composed by Bert Russell and Wes Farrell, and that same year, John Tagenhorst, then an arranger for the Ohio State University Marching Band, created the band's now-famous arrangement of "Sloopy," first performed at the Ohio State-Illinois football game on October 9, 1965; and

WHEREAS, Rock music has become an integral part of American culture, having attained a degree of acceptance no one would have thought possible twenty years ago; and

WHEREAS, Adoption of "Hang On Sloopy" as the official rock song of Ohio is in no way intended to supplant "Beautiful Ohio" as the official state song, but would serve as a companion piece to that old chestnut; and

WHEREAS, If fans of jazz, country-and-western, classical, Hawaiian and polka music think those styles also should be recognized by the state, then by golly, they can push their own resolution just like we're doing; and

WHEREAS, "Hang On Sloopy" is of particular relevance to members of the Baby Boom Generation, who were once dismissed as a bunch of long-haired, crazy kids, but who now are old enough and vote in sufficient numbers to be taken quite seriously; and

WHEREAS, Adoption of this resolution will not take too long, cost the state anything, or affect the quality of life in this state to any appreciable degree, and if we in the legislature just go ahead and pass the darn thing, we can get on with more important stuff; and

WHEREAS, Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town, and everybody, yeah, tries to put my Sloopy down; and

WHEREAS, Sloopy, I don't care what your daddy do, 'cause you know, Sloopy girl, I'm in love with you; therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the 116th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, name "Hang On Sloopy" as the official rock song of the State of Ohio; and be it further Resolved, That the Legislative Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit duly authenticated copies of this Resolution to the news media of Ohio.

The lyrics to "Hang On Sloopy" are as follows.

Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on
Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town and everybody yeah, tries to put my sloopy down Sloopy I don't care, what your daddy do Cuz you know sloopy, girl, I'm in love with you
and so I sing out
Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on
Sloopy wears a red dress, yeah As old as the hills but when sloopy wears that red dress, yeah you know it gives me the chills
Sloopy when I see you walking, walking down the street I say don't worry sloopy, girl You belong to me
and so I sing out
Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on (yeah) (yeah) (yeah) (yeah) Let's give it to 'em (Guitar solo)
Sloopy let your hair down, girl Let it hang down on me Sloopy let your hair down, girl Let it hang down on me, yeah
come on sloopy (come on, come on) oh come on sloopy (come on, come on) oh come on sloopy (come on, come on) oh come on sloopy (come on, come on)
well it feels so good (come on, come on) you know it feels so good (come on, come on) well shake it, shake it, shake it sloopy (come on, come on) shake it, shake it, shake it yeah (come on, come on) (Scream)
hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on (yeah) (yeah) (yeah) (yeah) hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on (yeah) (yeah) (yeah) (yeah) hang on sloopy, sloopy hang on

There comes a time in every young man’s life when he must put away those childish things and move on.

One of the first to go back then, was rock concerts – they were becoming very expensive, crowded , and the cost didn’t even guarantee a seat due to the advent of festival seating. And after I caught a Frisbee between the eyes, I decided enough was enough.

Years passed and I was content with cd’s, videos, and shows like Austin City Limits to watch my favorite performers – many of whom began to age and fall out of favor as the newer generations of musicians began to arrive.

And that was ok, too because my tastes had changed. I was now into jazz and performance music…small, intimate clubs and sophisticated hotel bars. Eagles, Stones, Pink Floyd and countless others had made their mark upon me and I will always look back at them with great fondness   and appreciation – but not too often.

Now I visit upscale theaters, performance art centers, mainstream and experimental, and sip wine in a tie and lean against polished brass bars during intermission.

All that is about to change – tonight.

For one night only, I’m going back in time for one more big time “Oh baby, Oh baby!”

The pony tail is coming down, the boots are glistening, the hat is brushed.

I’ll be at the Palace Theater – an ancient  theater of a different age , small and intimate,with  clouds and stars twinkling as they move across the domed ceiling. There will be an actual balcony and elevated boxes lining the sides, as was popular at the turn of the century – not this last one – the one before.

It’s not very large by today’s standards and  usually showcases more talented type performers of all genres then you’ll see at larger venues.

I’m excited and ready for the ride. I anticipate that the majority of the crowd will be older,as many of today’s younger folks don’t follow this music – it’s been dubbed geezer rock – often describing those once famous groups that don’t seem to know when to stop.

But these folks are still going strong – still performing, making albums, and touring world wide. They  are still invited to major festivals and events and can continue to wow  packed stadiums. They are uniquely as popular around the world as they are here in the States.

One more time.

ZZ Top is coming to town.




Gotta love the Midwest! Said the (transplanted) Midwesterner ... and this was supposed to go after the "Hang on Sloopy" bit ... said song relentlessly now marching through my brain.




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