TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Those jobs can be rewarding and you can get attached to the kids. How do you like it so far?

So far I kind of hate it. They never said I might have to supervise visits when I was interviewed, and I really don't feel comfortable doing it.  I feel it's way above my pay grade, for one thing.

I'm also not comfortable with kids who can't walk or talk.  I like the driving part, though -- so far they've sent me to the farthest reaches of the district.  One trip yesterday took us 2 1/2 hours.

Oh, and I never know in advance when I'm going to have to eat lunch, or when I'll be able to use the bathroom, and there's no vacation time  -- I get three days next year and none this year.  When my mother dies, I won't be able to take FMLA time, either.


-  Went to “admitting” to sign the clipboard sheet. No staff in sight. Someone walked in from somewhere else to send us to other rooms.

-  In listing my DIL as my emergency person I find they have her on file under an old address and old number – perhaps to dodge medical bills they can’t afford? I have to give her current #, b/c she has to pick me up. What have I done?

-  My interviewer does not offer to guide me to the special elevator that takes me to the sixth floor. It’s not the regular elevator. I wander around lost for awhile.

-  I find it finally and am instructed to strip to the short cotton dress with the breezy back, thinking I have a 45 minute wait for the doc. Can’t remember if it starts at 10 or11, so don’t know if he’s 2 or only one hour late

-  My original nurse has disappeared, but someone tells me the doc is ”behind schedule” and offers to find me magazines to read, but that doesn’t happen. It’s another half  hour before a nice lady pushes me on a wonky gurney that wanst to hit right walls into an elevator going down, into a room where they hook me up to stuff which will warn them of impending disaster. 2 nurses – one of them tells me he’ll be my “bartender” for the day, and that has a ring to it.

-  Doc comes in dressed as though for a nice luncheon – no scrubs or blue shower cap, as though he doesn’t expect to get stained. Maybe he’ll stand  off and direct from afar. Perhaps my bartenderis in charge.

-  When I come to, he is gone.

-  The nurses were pretty nice, though, and I never told my DIL, after she picked me up,  they now had her current phone #, thanks to me. I know she’ll have a plan B in there somewhere.



Another good reason to have a Kindle - you won't have to read mags with hospital cooties...


It's Fall! Finally!

Octoberfest is just around the corner...and Novemberfest...and Decemberfest...and...

The highs tomorrow are in the 60's, lows in the 40's - oh baby, oh baby!

October fest! Will that be hosted by the blonde lady in the blue dress?

Isn't getting older fun, Westerly? :-D

When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to get older. Who knew?

It was early – very early.

 Earlier that morning he had gotten up early and took the early train into town. The train was a few minutes early and waited a few minutes at the platform before leaving at least one minute early – by his reckoning.

Arriving downtown early he made his way to Mike Early’s Southside Café for the early bird breakfast. Taking a window seat, he sipped coffee while watching the early beginnings of the morning rush hour.

After breakfast, he entered the lobby of the Searly Building and nodded at the security guard who sat up suddenly.

“Good morning, Mr. Pearly – my, but you’re here early this morning, sir!”

“Hi Mike…heh, heh…yes in indeed, I am. Well you know what they say – “The early bird catches the worm, doesn’t it?”

“Yes indeed, sir. Ha ha!”

The end. Thankfully.

Reminds me of "It was a dark and stormy night." Good job!

Just finished my first week back at work. Forgot how wild and crazy the commute can be from Philly area to Wilmington, DE ... zoom! said the cars. Brrrrrrrraaaaaaaarrrrrgggg said the tractor trailers. Yikes, said the M.


On the other hand, "You're baaaaaa-aaaaack, how terrific!" said virtually everybody in the agency. Heeeeeere we go again.




"Yeeeeaaahhh! Tote that bale! Lift that barge!" said an amused Bmichael.

Marilyn, Carol, et al: I am entertaining my own 96-year-old personage for three days. Rather sweet & well-meaning for the most part, but hard-headed and dispensing advice you may not be interested in following. Critical of a room we redecorated: you should have done this, you should have done that - what happenewd to the shelves that were there...etc. Why isn't that in a frame?




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