TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Thay paid you to do that, really? How do you find these things?

Google RGIS...that was the inventory company - see if they're in your area.

Then Google "Mystery Shopper" - there's a few out there. There's also a website about what to look out for.

Also - while I was a volunteer for the Red Cross - they also hire independent contractors to teach their Health and Safety Classes. Doubt you can make a living at any of this, but it can certainly supplement an income.

...and there are also companies out there who pay for handwritten addressing of their clients' customer mail.

Never did this, but there was one in Louisville - was here for several years.

Google "handwritten addressing".

Bmichael, I'm still collecting unemployment which means if I work for 1 hour on one day, I am considered to have worked a full day and I get 3/4 of my unemployment that week.  I have tried to volunteer, but no one seems interested. In this area, all volunteering is coordinated through the United Way.  You fill out an application and they get in touch if there's something that dovetails with the interests and times you're available. I really appreciate your sharing your experience, and the name of the mystery shopper organization. 

The other day I brought a bottle of (non-alc) sparking cider to my daughter in law's dinner. My granddaughter loves apple juice, so I thought it would be a treat. But she sipped it, screwed up her nose, and said, "I want real apple juice, not apple juice with "glitter" in it.

Westerly:  Awwwwwwwwww!


Carol: Interesting that your unemployment is so harsh. I am also on unemployment and did a couple of writing projects for a friend over the past two weeks. DE unemployment (I live in Joisey but had worked in DE) simply doesn't pay you if you earn more than the unemployment for that week ... but if you earn, say $100, they will simply reduce the unemployment by that amount. (I, ahem, earn considerably more than that as an advertising writer ... just wish I could get more of it.)


In other exciting news, my nearly-96-year-old mother is coming to say for a week! She usually picks a fight around Day Six. Stay tuned!

Don't know how long this has been going on, but I just noticed that you can add a page to this site...so I just did - check out the area under the members' photos.

Hmmm...the possibilities are endless!

Carol: I also have a 96 year-old relative, but she never stays as long as a week. 4 days is long enough to have one biting one's tongue.

You got us mixed up. Carol's the one with the nasty 100-year-old mother; I'm the one with the nasty 96-year-old mother.


And the only reason she is staying so long is because my nearly 71-year-old brother is taking a motorcycle trip thru N. CA with his wife and my mother is nervous to be left "alone". (She lives 6 miles from them in Texas.


My tongue will be bitten clear through by day 4 ... and day 5 ... and day 6 ... and day 7 ... and day 8 .... it's going to be a loooooooooooong week.


Now to check out Bmichael's "added page" ... hmmmmmmmm ....


I have two words for your upcoming adventure:


aspirin in thr morning and white wine at night?




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