TBD on Ning

Dear Smart Kid,

During one of those annoying social website “misunderstandings”, a question came up.

Member M asserted that due their anatomical deficiencies women cannot be called d*kheads.

Member B (that’s me) submits that anyone can be a d*khead - male, female, or other.

Who’s right?



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Dear Bmichael,

You are.


Thanks,  Smart Kid!

Smart Kid is also a d*ckhead ... and what has happened to the former literary tone of this group, anyway?

Dear Smart Kid,

Growing up, I had the distinct impression that a rooster’s primary function in this life is to “Cock-A-Doodle-Doo” early in the morning (to classical music) – thus gently reminding us that it was time to wake up and at the same time, perpetuating a daily sense of well-being.

I learned much later (actually, last week) that apparently, there was a secondary function of this fine feathered fowl – of which I’m much too polite to go into at this time.

Recently, someone in my immediate vicinity has introduced a young rooster into our community…and the problem is that this mofo “Cock-A-Doodle-Doo(s)” approximately 14-16 times an hour – during daylight hours.

 As you can probably imagine, after awhile this can be quite annoying.

My question is…before I hunt it down and kill it, is this normal behavior for a rooster…or did the Bugs Bunny cartoons of my youth lead me astray?

Your Pal,


Dear Bmichael,

This is normal.

You're not.


Thanks, Smart Kid!

Special to Carol T...

Regarding your question on another thread - 

"Flies can't throw up, can they?"

(3) Strictly speaking, vomiting is the regurgitation of stomach contents, and house flies never regurgitate their stomach contents. What they do is technically spitting (or drooling), not vomiting.

By the way, house flies don't spread disease by spitting on your food, disgusting as that sounds. The disease comes from their feet when they land on your food after they've earlier been feasting on manure or viscera or other bacteria-laden goodies.

Thanks, Smart Kid, although my question was actually rhetorical.  :-D

Apologies...I've never had a rhetorical vomit question before...

So few of us have.


No popcorn industry standards have been developed for kernel size determinations but a commonly used measure is based on number of kernels in 10 grams and defines kernel size as follows:
52-67 = large, 68-75 = medium and 76-105 = small
Kernel size is measured in K/10g or kernels per 10 grams. In this test 10 grams of popcorn are measured out and the kernels are counted. The higher the kernel count the smaller the kernel size.
The expansion of popcorn is not directly influenced by the kernel size.




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