TBD on Ning

Do you have any kids? Any Grandkids? If so. How many?

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I have 3 kids and 4 grand kids......Rita what size boobs do you have!...........................lol
I have 4 kids...all grown...all moved away..:-(
I have 3 grandkids...ages 6, 3. and 15 months. what about you?
LOL!! My size is perfect for any mouth...just a little left over most of the time!! How's that for an answer????

ZORBO said:
I have 3 kids and 4 grand kids......Rita what size boobs do you have!...........................lol
I have 3 kids and 2 step kids. And 18 grandkids all together. Sometimes I am pulling my hair out. LOL

Rita D said:
I have 4 kids...all grown...all moved away..:-(
I have 3 grandkids...ages 6, 3. and 15 months. what about you?
I hear ya! Do they live close by? Mine are clear across the country..I miss them very much.

Carmen Diane Bailey said:
I have 3 kids and 2 step kids. And 18 grandkids all together. Sometimes I am pulling my hair out. LOL

Rita D said:
I have 4 kids...all grown...all moved away..:-(
I have 3 grandkids...ages 6, 3. and 15 months. what about you?
I have two sons and two grandchildren gs- 3y/o and gd 4 months. That family is presently in London on vacay for two weeks. The other son, a bachelor, is watching the 4th of July Parade in the next town. Im lucky, one lives about 25 mins away and the other in the next town.

Good answer about your bobs Rita. Nobodies business unless you want to let them know. Hugs to yoiu babe.
Hi habby...been missing you! And you're right about the boob question!! Hugs, kisses, and...stuff.... ;)
Holiday weekend, I have to get busy. Love ya all!!




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