TBD on Ning

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This group showcases projects done in a private sister group. If you would like to learn how to do any of the projects, please join, "The Studio" group where we play with HTML, CSS and Graphics. We would love for you to join us.

Members: 2
Latest Activity: Aug 31, 2020

Welcome to the "Showcase". This is the store front where we display things in public that we do in the private workroom. If you would like to learn how to do some of the things displayed here, please join "The Studio" http://teebeedee.ning.com/group/studio The Studio is a private group where we can play with code (HTML and CSS) and graphics, learn, discuss and make mistakes. Come join The Studio and share information or ask questions.

Discussion Forum

Playing with Gradient Images

Here is an example of some gradient images that can be used as backgrounds on profile pages or on web sites. We started with an image that came with a free css teplate and then changed the colors.   …Continue

Started by Mimi58 Feb 18, 2019.

Embedding Youtube Playlists

Here's the player I have on my profile (Jan. 2019). Click here to go to my profile and see it in…Continue

Started by Mimi58 Jan 7, 2019.

Mbotos Drop Cap Code

The drop cap code can be used to grab attention on your profile page, a blog, a website or anywhere HTML and CSS is allowed. With the code, the first letter of a sentence or paragraph is larger than…Continue

Started by Mimi58 Jan 7, 2019.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Showcase to add comments!

Comment by Aggie on August 31, 2020 at 1:56pm

Some Boomerville Members are joining TBD, make them welcome.


Members (2)




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