TBD on Ning

It seems that two different research teams have discovered evidence for a subatomic particle compose of four quarks.  Up to now, quarks have been observed combined only in pairs (mesons) or triplets (baryons).  There are still other possible interpretations of the data but if confirmed, it would be the first of a new type of particle, not know to be possible.


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My understanding is the big boys are leaning towards two two-quark particles interacting so strongly that they look like a four-quark, or a hadron molecule -- which is yet another strange object speculated to exist in the subatomic world but never definitively seen.

Let me know when they find Dark Matter lol...

Even if it turns out not to be a true 4-quark particle, it is still a new and interesting phenomenon and it seems to belie several "post Higgs" impressions about the state of particle physics.  First is the idea that the Standard Model is a done deal with nothing more to offer, beyond expanding it to cover dark matter, etc.  It seems that the rules covering how quarks can combine are still to be determined.  Also there is the impression that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN has made everything else obsolete.  Both of the teams with this new data are working in Asia, one in China and the other in Japan.  Asia is fast becoming a hotbed for research in basic physics.

The newly established Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) will allow CERN to go to full power in 2016 and will carry out the next steps to integrate the ILC and CLIC efforts under one governance. One highlight in Anaheim was a talk on the physics of the LC, the power of the LC lies in its flexibility. It can be tuned to well defined initial states, allowing model-independent measurements from the Higgs threshold to multi-tera-electron-volt energies, as well as precision studies that could reveal new physics at a higher energy scale.

I don't think anyone knows yet if they are going to find stuff outside the realm of the Standard Model, I'm guessing they may, dark matter and dark energy are not included in the Model.





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