TBD on Ning

We are almost at the half way mark and the stakes are getting higher.

How are your teams doing?

Tags: Amazing, around, race, second, time

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I have to say I am not a fan of the Cowboys after their last race, but was really ticked at seeing them go so soon.

I also like Zev and Justin and Kisha and Jen although I underestimated them at first. I am getting really tired of the Goths whining. Kent is a jerk and Vyxsin has a breakdown over everything she does. I hope they go next.
Jen and Kisha for the win!!!
Glad the goths finally went home. I wonder what went wrong in Vxyin's past that she thinks Kynt is a good guy. Also, she looked ridiculous in the end confessionals. She was so pretty that day earlier in the race when she wore no make-up.

Gary was AMAZING on the mountain. What a miserable challenge. Still love Jen and Keisha. Would be happy for any of these teams to win. The closest race ever. Great season.




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