TBD on Ning

If you've never seen Big Brother, the basic premise is that 13 contestants live together in a house  where their every move is caught 24/7 by one of the many cameras and microphones placed throughout the house. The houseguests will compete in random competitions , eat a bit of slop and vote one another out. The last person standing come September wins $500,000.
As far as twists go (and you knew there'd be one, right?) will feature a secret saboteur. And the planted houseguest will receive his or her directions directly from the audience. The secret saboteur will be revealed to fans during the first live show on July 15th, but the houseguests will be left in the dark. This years guests are as follows:

Rachel, age 26- cocktail waitress
Kristen, age 24- boutique manager
Britney, age 22- hotel sales manager
Monet, age 24- model
Hayden, snowboarder, baseball player
Brendan, age 30- high school swim coach
Andrew, age 39- podiatrist, Orthodox Jew
Enzo, age 32- insurance adjuster (married)
Kathy , age 40, deputy sheriff
Annie, age 27- bartender
Matt, age 32, web designer
Lane, 24- oil rig salesman
Ragan, age 34- bow-tie wearing college professor

Big Brother premieres July 8th

Tags: 12, big, brother, reality, tv

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What was up with Matt's wife? She was talking like she had a mouth full of marbles or was she just naturally slow? No wonder Matt is mistaken with the idea that he is a diabolical genius. Look who he has convinced...
I love this group!

"SNOG?" Watch this one get snagged Max! You do have too many words, phrases, discoveries that get stolen by trolls...

And Assassin? I always make sure that when I see you post that I'm not drinking or eating anything!
I'm actually glad that Rachel won HOH. Kristen who had been invisible until recently, could have floated all the way to the final 3 or 4. However, her ego got in the way. Note to all Houseguests: Don't get in an argument with the new HOH, right after the HOH competition. Knowing Rachel, she'll probably put up Kristen & Brittany, not Kristen & Hayden.
Well now we have some action! No one bothered hiding their glee when Rachel and Kristen went at it after the HoH ceremony. And why should they have? As Matt pointed out, that crazy screaming match took all the attention off of him. I can’t decide who’s the worse player: Kristen for not accepting Rachel’s initial apology or Rachel for power-tripping so hard on her second HoH reign that even her boyfriend is questioning her sanity. My new vote for best player of the season? Britney!
That girl is bitchy, funny, and playing the game so hard that she’s not afraid to take a bubble bath with the numero uno enemy of the house.
The funniest part is that after winning the luxury comp, Enzo screams "Brigade!" No one even notices.
I didn't notice that! ROFL!

Wasn't Brendan and Hayden with him? And neither noticed??? OMG!!!!
I’m pulling for Rachael now, even though she is obnoxious! She plays the game very well, just hope she doesn’t fall for Brit’s crap, I actual think R is smarter than that. If Brit was smart she would ride B/R coattails to the end and everyone in the jury house would vote her to win. I don’t like Brit straight up lying to R, game play is ok buy out right lies not ok. Please send Kristen home so she can roll her eyes at herself in the mirror for awhile, she is totally a valley girl, like, like, u know what I mean! Funny too, that Kathy had The Big C, buy smokes like a chimney. Get her out too.
All of the BB12 websites have predicted that Kristen will be voted out. Which means Hayden might be on the war path--and it would be hilarious if he tries desperately to be HoH and Brendan wins it! I hope that's what plays out!

After tonight's eviction on Big Brother 12 we'll be down to the final 9, which means everyone left will at least be on the jury. So congratulations to Kathy on avoiding her inevitable fate as BB roadkill.
So, Kristen missed the jury? ROFL!!!! Good! I hate her!
In the last Power of Veto Rachel won $5,000. Since then she's talked with Brendon about trying to use it to buy their safety next week. Would anyone in the house actually make a deal to keep Brendon and Rachel in the house? Matt did it in week 3, but that was a long time ago.

Now, if anyone wins HoH and doesn't nominate Brendon and Rachel, it would be seen as an act of aggression against the house. While Brendon and Rachel would still be the primary targets, the HoH who was too scared to try and evict them will certainly lose all respect and have no chance of winning the jury vote.

The added benefit of putting up Rachel and Brendon is that they seem so egotistical that they would probably vote for whoever evicts them, because they think they're the best players in the house. While people this week will try to avoid winning HoH, they should grab it with pride. Winning means you can win Rachel and Brendon's respect by getting them out and win the gratitude of everyone else by being the one to do it.




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