TBD on Ning

This woman captured in simple complete inner peace and self awareness. Her soul is shining. Simply within herself -a meditative moment. Rarely do we as people stop and think about the amazement of life and how lucky we are to be a part of it and experience it.

I am experiencing a soulshine moment today. It's 71 degrees and the sun is shining brightly. I feel connected to my environment-- the smell and sound of spring awakening or the energy of renewal and rebirth.

When have you last experienced a "soulshine" moment? Describe it please.

William Carlos Williams - Spring And All
By the road to the contagious hospital
under the surge of the blue
mottled clouds driven from the
northeast—a cold wind. Beyond, the
waste of broad, muddy fields
brown with dried weeds, standing and fallen

patches of standing water
the scattering of tall trees

All along the road the reddish
purplish, forked, upstanding, twiggy
stuff of bushes and small trees
with dead, brown leaves under them
leafless vines—

Lifeless in appearance, sluggish
dazed spring approaches—

They enter the new world naked,
cold, uncertain of all
save that they enter. All about them
the cold, familiar wind—

Now the grass, tomorrow
the stiff curl of wildcarrot leaf

One by one objects are defined—
It quickens: clarity, outline of leaf

But now the stark dignity of
entrance—Still, the profound change
has come upon them: rooted they
grip down and begin to awaken

Tags: soulshine

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Replies to This Discussion

When you wrote this it was in the 40's here in East Texas and going down. When I got up Sunday every thing was covered in snow, with in two hours it was all most all gone, and right now it's sunny and cool out.
Harley, the crazy weather patterns just boggles my mind sometimes. How could it be 71 in NY and 40's in TX????
I guess I am not the ordinary person in life. I have a soulshine moment every time I step outdoors. I listen to the birds and look into the sky with amazement at our sky, with the clouds billowing by and think how amazing lucky we are to be here on Earth to savor each of these moments with nature.

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year and I love to hike. Just take a hike in the mountains by yourself and listen to the sounds and look in amazement and wonderment of what we have around us. Spring flowers blooming birds singing to entice their mates.

Another favorite of mine is to go riding in the hills another time to be with nature as one. Two have a strong animal underneath me, his ears pricked forward listening to everything that is going on around him..alert and ready..yep everyday is a soulshine moment.
I guess I am not the ordinary person in life. I have a soulshine moment every time I step outdoors. I listen to the birds and look into the sky with amazement at our sky, with the clouds billowing by and think how amazing lucky we are to be here on Earth to savor each of these moments with nature. Krisit

You have a gift, because many of us take forgranted taking time out to smell the roses....lol especially if we're online too long. I love the fact that it is spring. The flowers will be here soon.

I love that picture of the lady w/the lei by the water.
When in Hawaii, its hard not to have a Soulshine moment.

Took this on my hike just a small flower but a soulshine moment.
Took this on my hike just a small flower but a soulshine moment.
Ohhhhhh, I would love to wear that color on a blouse or dress. It would
look good on my coloring.




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