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Tags: Texas, USA

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TEXAS version.........!!!!

<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=t&chtm=usa&chs=440x220&chf=bg,s,336699&chco=d0d0d0,cc0000&chd=s:99999999999999999999999&chld=ALARCACOFLGAILINIAKSKYLAMIMNMONMOHOKPATNTXWAWI" width="440" height="220" ><br/>visited 23 states (46%)<br/><a href="http://douweosinga.com/projects/visited?region=usa">Create your own visited map of The United States</a>


...And we're still young.

Snagg.....post it again in the "media" box.
  I know fly-overs don't count.  I just don't understand how I've never been to Vermont...:->   I really want to go to Idaho....that was a fly over and I fell completely for the topography of the country.  Not too many folks have been to the Dakotas....hummmmm.
visited 30 states (60%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

Why is it that most of you have never been to little Switzerland? That's the nickname for West Virginia.

You dissin my home state? We have had many famous people live in WV. Why, I think thats where Charles Manson was born.

Did your feet touch the ground, or pavement?
Not too much in the "overseas" territory but I did live there until I was 10.   I really, really want to visit Iceland.
visited 4 states (1.77%)
Create your own visited map of The World

Plus DC, Toronto, Niagra Falls, and Cancun.


Reply by CWO3ROBBIE 8 hours ago

Hey, by my rules, if you set foot on the ground, you have been there.  I spent 6 hours going through customs in Hawii. So, I've been there. Ha, now you have to change your map, huh?


Here's my revised map Robbie. And yes, I've stayed overnight several times in WV.
visited 27 states (54%)

Much to the chagrin of most people, changing planes at DFW doesn't make you a Texan.




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