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Tags: Texas, USA

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I stopped paying attention when she tried to rewrite American History.

visited 21 states (9.33%)
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I think Kooner has me beat.

Panama sure doesn't show up very noticeably. Does it?

Like P.A. if flying over a country counted I would have a few more. Some that I wasn't susposed too.

Yeh, You have a lot more red  outside the US.

visited 10 states (20%)
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I've visited Washington, D.C., Tijuana, Mexico, and Niagara Falls and other parts of Ontario, Canada too.  Never been out of North America, though.

visited 9 states (18%)

Plus Niagra Falls, Toronto, D.C, and Cancun

TeeBub, I wanna know how you drove back & forth b/t Ohio & FL all those times & have only been to the above listed states!
I'm sure they stopped for gas, food & bathroom breaks! That counts!
Hey, by my rules, if you set foot on the ground, you have been there.  I spent 6 hours going through customs in Hawii. So, I've been there. Ha, now you have to change your map, huh?

We couldn't get George's map to show up for some reason.  He's been to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, D.C. and Florida.

He's also been to Niagara Falls and other parts of Ontario, Canada; Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, and Turkey.

visited 13 states (26%)
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Worked this time.




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