TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




Views: 11862

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I love corn muffins, what's the new recipe!!!!!!!

d@mmit, Teebs! I didn't see this post the 1st time around & hence didn't post the recipe for you.

AND I DIDN'T SAVE IT WHEN I FOUND IT ONLINE!! d@mmit, d@mmit, d@mmit!

I found your post here b/c I'm actually doing a tbd/Ning search for "Corn Muffins" hoping I'd shared it here. I hate how blonde I can be sometimes. :-P

Tonight, its another dose of the homemade split pea soup, with a few erster crackers. 

I froze meal size containers of the soup when I made it, and it might last all winter.

Its pretty good stuff.....I like it. 

Erster crackers??

Would those of us without an accent call those "oyster crackers"?

(I was going to say those of us in the civilized part of the world, but I wouldn't want to be starting any drama or anything heheh)

I was just taking literary license using "erster" (or maybe it was "dramatic" effect).  We don't use that kind of language around these parts, either.  ;-0

You say potato, I say potahto...

So Q, what with all the time you spend there, and your proximity to it, can you speak  and understand "Jersey Shoreese"?   ;-0

North Jersey is a different animal than South Jersey where I spend my time...so sorry to disappoint :)

I do have a Philadelphia accent, though.
Not the South Philly one, yo? :)


Actually, Stir is sometimes, somewhat, spelling chalanged.

Texas Chili!!!!!

..and Zantac....:-)




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