TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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Pasta, chicken, spinach, vodka sauce.

Well, tonight we'll be featuring a salad, here at The Stir Bistro.  Italian lettuce blend from a bag, popcorn shrimp gently baked per the instuctions on the box, chickpea sauce from the India Indians at the convenience store, and maybe a sprinkling of mozzarella promises to make this a five-star international delight.

Oh yes, a plastic cup of a jaunty $6.00 red wine that comes with  plastic cork-like stopper in the bottle, completes this pre-turkey day feast.

I do believe you could make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sound good.

Well thanks, Bob......sometimes the fertile mind of Stir kinda scares me!

Just lay a neatly folded napkin over his left forearm and he's getting a tip!

UPDATE!!!  This meal, perhaps with a slight tweaking, is most certainly a keeper!  Yee-um!

I guess my Steamfresh, lightly seasoned, chicken flavored rice, with a vibrant blend of broccoli, carrots and onions don't quite measure up to the other culinary delights posted here?

However, it only took 4 minutes in the microwave and one minute to let sit and disapate the steam. After which I tore open the bag, dumped it on a paper plate and took about 3 minutes to gobble it down. Oh yeh, I guess it took me about 2 min of rummaging through the freezer, deciding what microwaveable treat to choose, turning around and putting it in the Microwave. (Notice that I capitalized Microwave, out of respect.) Let's see, that's a total of 10 minutes. The time expended is important because I had decided that I would not have a after diner drink until after dinner.

I am now enjoying a small Crown Royal Black and Soda.

You're speaking my language, Robbie!  We may have attended the same culinary school....you, several years ahead of me, of course!    ;-0

I had to return my Butterball turkey since his balls weren't buttered to my satisfaction.


Ducatiman's DEElicious brined Thanksgiving turkey!

my DEElicious Thanksgiving dressing.

Brussel sprouts, sauteed in olive oil with..... you GOT it!.... garlic & onions! "-D

Cornbread Muffins

Cranberry-Jello salad

a homemade birthday cake, made lovingly by Ducatiman, for me. ❤


Happy Thanksgiving, you guys. I'm particularly thankful for you today.

I'm hungry.

Come on over. There'll be plenty.

(Katidid just turned her nose up at the Brussel sprouts :-( )




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