TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




Views: 11860

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I call this Bob and Jaylee's Diner on Bob and Jaylee's site.  You two do a great job of keeping this place moving along. You need a TV show.
Thank you, Ma'am, but there's a bunch of other interesting, witty, and charming folks here too......and of course Stir too.........;-)

I concur Cowboy.   The doors have been open here since '09.   It's a good thing because of everyone that pops in from time to time.  

*Who gets the invoice?*

Half price burgers.
Salad and popcorn.
Fried catfish. Tomato & onion salad.
Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup and oyster crackers.  There sometimes comes a time in a guy's life when he can't ingest any more spicy and hot foods.  Tonight I reached that point.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back in food funland.

Happy had his usual Plus a couple "Pupperonia sticks. Of course I made him do the "Sit" "down" "Settle"

"Up" "Circle right" "Circle Left" and "down" routine.


Oh, I'm having "BEER".

Baked, seasoned Talapia and fries...

The fish came out of a sack in the freezer, BTW. Can't go fishing here, all the lakes are dried up.

Hamburger with okra.
George and I had breakfast for supper last night - pancakes.




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