TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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Two pieces of toasted rye...;-(

But, I did sample some god-awful looking hot chicken dip that I'm taking to work tomorrow....It's delicious!

I had a can of Campbells Cream of Chicken and Mushroom Soup, and a few erster crackers.

My grocer had a pre-made Beef Stroganoff.

 I'll be having that tonight.

I hope I didn't just waste $3.99.


I bet it's gonna be really good, Q!

We're having the Thai Chicken & Veggies in a Peanut Sauce that I made last night. I'm afraid it's gonna be way too frickin' hot for me b/c I put too much Sriracha in it. Ducatiman will love it like that. ;-p

Can't you add more sauce or veggies, or both, to tone it down a bit?

yep, I'm thinking that same thing, Q. I'm definitely adding some fresh spinach & ground peanuts right before I serve it, but I doubt that will cool it down much. I could add more coconut milk or some chicken broth. I'll play it by ear, heat it up & give it a taste test before I do anything else to it.

total aside... my dogs are being so frickin' cute, hanging out at my feet (I was gone all day), happy as clams. '-)

The coconut milk should do it...good luck!


Thanks! D-man will love it, no matter what (he's pretty easy '-)

...going to put the brown rice on now.

My god-awful looking hot chicken dip was a HUGE success @ work!!  Today was a marvelous potluck @ work...I do love it when others cook something I don't!      I have requests for my  recipe!

Tonight will be french toast w/REAL maple syrup.   I will throw in some turkey bacon  (sorta blech) because I have some.

Supper already happened here. Tostadas....seasoned taco meat and refried beans on corn tortillas topped with Mexican blend cheese, salsa and sour cream.

*too full*

Is that a "cinqo" meal or just usual Texas fare?




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